In the past, I wrote some short stores called "The Zorg Chronicles" that were posted here in the forums. They were chapters in the lives of those soldiers we never hear of in your fleets; their stories, the trials, their pain, their joy.
I've wanted to write one on my IGC (in-game character) giving some background. I'm an RPG fan...and I like to learn the stories of the characters in a game. In this game, we're the characters.
Although I'll most likely be writing a story, I also want to post it with a video (as I have plenty of footage of Lightning to use). The point of the story will show why my character has decided to liberate planets and be a space empress. I'm into moving pieces of it has to be deep. However, I need some good ideas to go off of. Did I lose someone? Was I captured? Betrayed? Deserted? Exiled? Looking for someone? What happened?
If you need some inspiration, I've already picked the song I'll be using in the vid (I often base stories off of a composition). It's entitled Dearly Beloved. Note that the actual doesn't begin until 27 seconds into the video...
Any Ideas? Help Me Think of One :).
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