Contruga Vs Killer (AoD) Td: 50mil

saw fleet on acs, knew killer was online but launched straight away hoping the acs wouldnt be recalled or only be on for an hour as it took me some time to get over,
so recys badly timed.
Killer lifted his fleet however i did get the ACS, would like to know who i actually hit if either killer would mention or someone own up?

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:54.095.000
winnings Metal:0 Crystal:0 Deuterium:0
Debris Metal:17.404.500 Crystal:15.052.500

congrats to killer, you made more profit out of whichever noob was on a wait time then i did :L

You collect; 5.214.500 units of Metal and 2.957.500 units of Crystal.

maybe not as good as Docs hit on logged, but still like crashing fleet and pointing out peoples bad habbits.
like loggeds bad habbit of spying whenever an AoD member is spied or attacked,
really? you left AoD, you dont need to watch over them, either merge the alliances or pick one!