Not sure what is going on in the 1st class,
all I have to say is that we down in the lower decks are having a great time.
As a new player I checked the score board after I had launched some small
hits and raiding, damm !!!, then I saw a nice target, i could not wait for my on air
recycles to return so i sent what I had available, was short around 250, contacted
the only friend I have ( after 3 weeks in the game ) he did not answer, I thought let's
go and hope to get all after the other recs return, I launched but just then I realize that
if the hit was successful i would not be able to send follow ups as my cargo would return
after update and Constanting11 would be green to me, well I put my fleet on air before
update so he kept sowing white, the rest is below:
The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 10.350.000 units of Metal, 10.350.000 units of Crystal and 10.237.479 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 33.967.350 units.
A debris field containing 10.441.560 units of Metal and 9.554.850 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %
Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:672.000
winnings Metal:10.100.000 Crystal:10.100.000 Deuterium:5.110.490
Debris Metal:49.950 Crystal:53.250
Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:409.000
winnings Metal:3.408.333 Crystal:3.408.333 Deuterium:2.555.245
Debris Metal:4.500 Crystal:4.500
Fri 27 Apr 2012, 15:46:28 Aerospace Control Recycling Report
You collect; 7.510.000 units of Metal and 7.510.000 units of Crystal.
Fri 27 Apr 2012, 16:51:57 Aerospace Control Recycling Report
You collect; 2.986.010 units of Metal and 2.202.600 units of Crystal.
glotr Constanting
Re: Volpino vs CONSTANTINGI1 TD:34 Mil
#2Hits like that and you won't be in the lower decks for long.
Outside the box? What box?