Avenger vs BigT-25.867.000

This attack is not about the fleet or the TD its about the story.
A few days back i scan see a small fleet and i send a few lgs he sends me a message to tell me he already fs'd.
I reply from now on just message me and ill recall-
Today i scan his moon again and see his fleet, resend and after 5 min he sends me the message- jackpot!!! he is afk most of the time
I knew i only had 1 more chance after that he would of fs'd, and the res were gone with the fleet, i wait a few h give him the impression im offline and scan again- i see the fleet again about 6k of it- i look at his main planets and all the other planets he has and see no(*)- i decide to send this time i send a fast wave to hit him exactly within the narrow afk time i have- and the results are below

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:25.867.000
winnings Metal:750.000 Crystal:750.000 Deuterium:726.564
Debris Metal:8.582.700 Crystal:6.937.500

follow ups
Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:0
winnings Metal:10.000.000 Crystal:435.008 Deuterium:363.282
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:0
winnings Metal:6.666.667 Crystal:217.504 Deuterium:181.641
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:0
winnings Metal:3.333.333 Crystal:108.752 Deuterium:90.821
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0

given that its nearly new year i left him 7 mil metal

then i scan his planet and i see a bit of profit there as well my recyclers were in the way so i sent for that as well

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:8.113.150
winnings Metal:689.438 Crystal:819.524 Deuterium:399.101
Debris Metal:423.990 Crystal:473.400

funny thing is i was net expecting this hit on his planet to happen, but he was afk more then he should of -
You collect; 9.006.690 units of Metal and 7.450.900 units of Crystal.

that was the end result plus the res on the moon

and i want to add that this is my 3'rd hit on him and that i took out nearly 150 mil fleet from him so far probably even more...
cheers!!! :dance:
Come and fest on the dead i leave after i pass...