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Fusion Reactor Help

I've been working on my fusion reactor and I noticed that it cosumes an x amount of deuterium hourly. Does it put out a certain amount of energy hourly as well? or does it just put out a base amount per level?

So far I am seeing no change per hour.

Re: Fusion Reactor Help

Energy technology in research increases the amount of energy it outputs. If you click on the fusion reactor you can see the formula. I think people usually work off about level 21 energy technology, but it takes a bit to get there if you are a new starter.

Re: Fusion Reactor Help

Russell wrote:--I noticed that it cosumes an x amount of deuterium hourly. Does it put out a certain amount of energy hourly as well? or does it just put out a base amount per level?

So far I am seeing no change per hour.
Thank you for answering the question, Desert_Reaper.

@BanZaii and xNeroX, thank you for your input, it's all a help.

Re: Fusion Reactor Help

No problem, although technically it's not necessarily a base amount, since the output is mainly determined by energy tech level
20 GP
The Trouble Maker
As Swift as the Wind that carries the Sand comes your DEATH

Omega Class Thank You to Devola/Gale for this super amazing sig.