Do you agree with the proposed tweaks ?

Total votes: 19 (76%)
Total votes: 6 (24%)
Total votes: 25

Proposed further tweak of expedition

Current Proposal on table:

-Resources no longer random
-Expedition time 1 hour/2 hours
-Max resource gained = half the total income the biggest producing planet in the game makes for 1 hour, the total income the biggest producing planet in the game makes for 2 hours (This amount is currently at X-TREME at 730k, so in numbers it would be 365k for 1 hour or 730k for 2 hours - In speed it is currently 1,036,954 so it would be 500k in 1hours or 1million in 2 hours.)
-Reduced ship loss (10% for partial and 5% for complete - if 1 ship is sent, then it is destroyed even in partial, so chance is actually 15% there)

Re: Proposed further tweak of expedition

For further ideas, feel fre to contribute in the other thread or dig up Istalris one. This is for imminent changes. A redesign will come even if playerbase neglects it; even in this case, I will dig it up and forward it so all your posted views will be taken in account.

Do not hope though for anything near the numbers that used to exist.

Re: Proposed further tweak of expedition

I think this is great :)

It will go a long way to balancing things.

Profits can be made - just not the massive profits before.

There is still a risk to losing more than you gain. Overall i think this is a good system.

We have all argued with Zorg to make changes, and now Zorg is proposing changes. We should not waste this oppurtunity. Please send forward this forum link to all interested

Hopefully this goes through :) Thanks to Zorg for listening :) Hopefuly the arguments can stop, and the game can carry on

Re: Proposed further tweak of expedition

I dont think there should be a cap based on the type of ship sent, I think it should just be a max amount and if I send 400 large cargos or 1 EC I should get the same resources.
I like the idea for increasing the resources by the amount of time they are sent on.
Reduced destroy chances are good, because now they are extremely high.
The randomization logic is flawed, it is mostly randomly low amounts, or maybe not flawed but purposely set low.
The whole point of doing an expedition is to be profitable enough to build more ships and crash people.
So I also propose that all resources earned from expeditions goes into a resource bank in which all profits made must be used to build ships.
Guaranteeing that resources made from expeditions will feed the PvP aspect of the game and nothing else.
I'll take 96.875%

Re: Proposed further tweak of expedition

There is no such thing as imminent decisions for expeditions.

If there are worthy and balanced suggestions,then there will be imminent implementations.
Till this is done and till serious and complete (also short-described) proposals are on the table, things will remain as they are now.

We do favor pattern matching and chances based on:
-Ship strength
-Ship amount

If someone is willing to take a higher risk, then he should be able. Or we should turn expeditions into a tool for small players with PREFIXED MAX CAPS.

The decision is yours. The dev team will be monitoring the thread and will tweak the first post with tweaks proposed. You will be able to change your vote anytime.

Re: Proposed further tweak of expedition

Before this was overwritten this is what was on the table: Copied and Pasted because thats how i roll :)

Zorg wrote:Immediate Affects:

Resources max Cap: 500k metal, 250k crystal, 125k deuterium per Ship (Some types cap is lower due to cargo capacity) per hour

Hours play a role but up to 2 (You get max resources at hour 1, double resources at hour 2).

Reduced destroy chances (Few ships still get penalized for less, like sending only 1 ship).

Less randomization in resources earned

Here is a reminder to what was changed yesterday:
In detail;
-Fixed expedition time affect on results
-Added +2 more options for expedition time
-Earnings balanced when new resources are found (especially for Elite Cargo)
-More randomization in resource earnings
-Fixed typo for ships found
-Fixed partial destroy when sending 1 ship
-Reduced chances when few ships are sent


The proposed new tweaks will just bring them much closer to the status they used to be before EC implementation.

A complete redesign is wanted in the future (I think Istalris has created a very good suggestion on this thread somewhere).