Yes, you read the subject title right. To start off with I think I have only posted one time before in the UOH when it came to me being in combat. That is because I leave it up to the high hitters. So that being said let me set the scene for this post.
I was doing my full galaxy probing one night, looking for a good place to farm and possibly set up a new shop
. The next day, almost a full 12 hours after I had done any probing, I recieve a message from an AoP member asking me to stop probing Space-Lord
. I am totally confused by now as I had not probed anything since the night before, and a lot of things can happen in a 12 hour time
. I checked to see who the heck this Space-Lord person was and why it wasn't him sending me a message. Now keep in mind that at the time this is going on, I am only rank 460... something. Space-Lord rank 403, pppppppp rank 457 (the messenger), lowfatspread rank 307 and lastly Gilgamesh rank 387. I figured out that it was from the probes night before. I told him probing is part of the game and I was doing galaxy check, I would continue to play the game as it was meant.
Next thing I know... eeepp ... there is red x2 on my overview. Checking it, I find it to be pppppppp and lowfatspread sending ships at my main. I am thinking wth? So I sent him a note asking why they were attacking me and what they thought they would get from the planet (as said planet had NOTHING, NADA, ZIP... wait not completely true, it had a couple thousand metal, couple thousand, crystal, and I think about 32 thousand deut.... and of course there were the defenses
. The reply I got back was along the lines of declair (his spelling not mine) peace or get hit. I am like... DUDE it was a probing last night, I will continue to probe as I need to, so hit away. I looked at overview again and there was a third red line... here comes Gilgamesh, same planet
, these boys really need to learn that hitting a planet losing some ships and getting very little resources is idiotic. Anyway, on with the story...
Its about 10 minutes later overview shows another red line, Space-Lord, coming after my planet in galaxy 7, has nothing but about 25 LC a few probes and defenses. Thing is.... I look at the attack coming in (keep in mind this guy is in same galaxy) he will be hitting me in ohhhh around 7 1/2 hours
. So while waiting on the 4 "elite" (not) players to attack, I am sending out my 25 cargos and building up some more defenses just for the fun of it. I was bored, what can I say, my main fleet was in fleetsave, so it was not like I had anything else to do except
. In the mean time I talk to a couple of friends, not going to name them, if they wish to take credit they will name themselves. We are going to set up my gal 7 planet and crush the Space-Ijot... ummm I mean Space-Lord. So while my friends are getting into position to defend me I go back to looking at my main.
Boom... pppppppp and lowfatspread acs attack my main. Results are I lose some defenses which are building back up already, dang the long building time
. And the attackers? well...
The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 3716 units of Metal, 1540 units of Crystal and 18985 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 506.000 units.
Shortly after that... BOOM.. Gilgamesh hits
The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 34 units of Metal, 805 units of Crystal and 9620 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 55.000 units.
Aww come on guys you are wrecking my house defenses
Sitting around waiting for the next hit from them, waiting, waiting... dang 7 hours is a long time looking at red on the screen
. My friends are in place a good 3 1/2 to 4 hours ahead of time. I am thinking ok, he is going to probe see this and pull. Wait for it, wait for it... yep there is the probe about 2 hours BEFORE he is supposed to hit. Bah he is going to pull it. Wait for it.... ummm ... hmmm.... still coming, 1 hour, still on its way, 30 minutes, still not pulled. I am thinking ok, he is just trying to scare me into declaring peace when war had not even been declared
. 2 minutes now. AND BOOM!!!
The defender has won the battle !
The attacker has lost a total of 10.175.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 902.500 units.
A debris field containing 3.591.000 units of Metal and 2.772.000 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet
DF recovered by me. GLOTRB Space-Lord, perhaps I should also say, learn how to read an espionage report.
VERY special Thanks goes out to a couple of good guys that helped me. You know who your are
You mess with a witch you eventually will get the broom? What's that? Is there more than one moral of the story? Hmmm... how about the second one is this: AoP = Alliance of PIZZA and they deliver right to your front door?