Re: Thank You Kick!!!

No problem. My speed account is still very small (3 days old), and I am only really raiding half-assedly there to mine later, but if anyone in speed have any questions about phalanxing, attacks, fleeting or strategies i would be more than happy to help yous out. Sometimes a lengthy conversation back and forth can work better than a guide without a person there. I would be happy to help and if anyone is confused by the forums just talk to me (ikyan as in game name in both extreme and speed). You do not have to be an ally, hell I can be hunting ya and I don't care, it is better for the game as a whole for people to help each other. Glad to know it helped ZM and if you need any help otherwise I am just either a PM or a private chat away. Now you just need to get big enough to get some chances to use that lanx ;)
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.

Re: Thank You Kick!!!

Get into chat and start a PM there. I am in chat and have a large queue to wait for after the Aurora and Crushbone hits on Extreme anyways, and I would be more than happy to help you out. Only thing that makes me happier than a crash in game is seeing an influence that some guidance can give other eager players. See ya in 5 minutes lol
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.