Split Second mission control Implemented

Sounds like an extra anniversary gift in fact,

Thanks to a report today, we have been able to find the reason why the engine was not able to handle all split second missions sucessfully.

In simple words:
*NO NEED TO GIVE 1-2 SECONDS for lag issues

Improvement is already in effect in all universes.

Re: Split Second mission control Implemented

Priority List Table for Missions that fall into the same second:

1.Engaging Missions (An engaging mission is the mission that hits its target at this second)
2.a)Set returning ACS Defend missions b)Land returning ACS Defend Missions
3.Land on planet/moon any returning Missions

Note: If there are more than 1 missions of the same type then they are ordered by creation time which means that the ones that were first created, will be first served.

Re: Split Second mission control Implemented

so lets see if i have this right. if you acs defend your planet and it returns on same second as an attack but one second after another attack it while only take place in the 2nd report. same goes with deploy missions and transports and returns.
how does the order work if some one launches a attack mission at say 90% and then launches a destroy mission to land on the same second. is there a way to make a fleet be able to land to be able to squeeze in between the 2 missions?
like if i was to acs defend from one moon to another one of my moons at 1 hour and recall moments after. or send a fleet from that moon to rec the debris field and return same second as the attack and destroy mission.
i would have brought up in forums but i am expecting more destroy missions and didn't want to give ideas before i had an answer :)

Re: Split Second mission control Implemented

I think everything is sorted out by second.
Zorg wrote:1.Returning ACS Defend missions first (If more than 1, missions ordered by creation time - first created, first served)
2.Returning Missions (If more than 1, missions ordered by creation time - first created, first served)
3.Engaging Missions (An engagin mission is the mission that hits its target at this second - if more than 1, missions ordered by creation time - first created, first served )
4.Expedition Missions (Although of no importance, we included this here for a complete list)
Then another group of that on the next second then the next and the next.
chrisOH wrote:how does the order work if some one launches a attack mission at say 90% and then launches a destroy mission to land on the same second. is there a way to make a fleet be able to land to be able to squeeze in between the 2 missions?
Whichever was created first. You cannot sqeeze another mission in between since both have already been created.
Though it is possible that you foresaw the destroy mission and sent an engaging(deploy and acs defend) mission before he sent the destroy mission.
chrisOH wrote:like if i was to acs defend from one moon to another one of my moons at 1 hour and recall moments after. or send a fleet from that moon to rec the debris field and return same second as the attack and destroy mission.
You cannot squeeze a returning fleet in between 2 attack in the same second.
But if there is a 1 sec difference, you can have your fleet return on the same sec as the second attack.

What I am not sure of is the recycle mission reaching the debris field. Is it considered an engaging mission and is grouped with the rest?
Seasons end.

Re: Split Second mission control Implemented

I'll confirm the recycle mission, if you like,
I sent recyclers within the same second as the attack. It didn't recycle the DF, So I guess this will also come under the section of engaging mission and hence as recylers are sent before the attack, they will recycle the DF before the attack occurs on the planet.

Luckily on that occasion I sent two recycle waves so I still got the DF in the second after.