Got a Problem with a Mod?

We realise that occasionally you may feel you have received a warn unjustly. In some cases the moderator may have been wrong to give it, and in some cases it may have been extenuating circumstances that led to your receiving such a warn.

If you have any complaints, follow this thread which contains details on how you can act: viewtopic.php?p=84518#p84518

If you feel a warn was unjustly given or that time enough has gone by that you have corrected your behavior and deserve a clean slate, you can always bring it to our attention.

The Rules and Regulations of the forum should always be read before posting such an appeal. It is not a light issue to suddenly remove a warn, because it was usually given for a distinct reason.

We are open to all of your concerns and will treat you fairly. To add to the rules and info section however, I would like to point out that it is generally unlikely that we remove a warn that was justified before the 1 month mark unless the member has either really made leaps and bounds in attitude and conduct or we receive new information that changes the circumstances. We don't like warning you, but we will if we have to. If you can show us you're a better member because of this, we will of course take that into account.

To conclude, we realize we are a member-based site and rely on all of you to enjoy yourselves and keep contributing.
Forum Administrator
Noblesse Oblige 77 MP