A Couple of ways to get your alliance out there

1.You need to put your alliance on the forums.
2.Look for new players who might need an alliance
3.Advertise your alliance in chat but not constantly.
4.Don't Be a pest when you ask. :naughty:

Some other things to do to help you some what.
1.If you have a massive alliance like 50 then of course you may be stronger then some one that has 25 people but it would be harder to concordant an attack on something.
2.make sure you make some rules to your alliance but not a bunch no one likes a control freak.
3.if you want to boost some peoples performance you could make a contest for a hire position.

Sincerity Jon
Last edited by Jon on Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

You can solve anything especially with a shotgun

Game player

Re: A Couple of ways to get your alliance out there

all right I will throw in a bit that makes it closer to sticky

your homepage is vital
make sure it has enough information to attract people looking for an alliannce
don't make anything that would be to adverse to some players.
lastly never leave it empty.people won't feel comfortable joining something they have no idea about.
Gale points:ummm to far behind to care and too long since I got one to remember

That which is written without effort is usually read without enjoyment.

Re: A Couple of ways to get your alliance out there

Also, about alliance home pages: Don't post a million pictures on there. For players with slower internet, it will make them not want to wait to see what the alliance is about.

And another thing: Set a limit to how many players you want in your alliance. A huge alliance is harder to control, and will uber-spam your inbox with circs. I recommend a 20-25 member limit.
Forum Moderator: The Illiterate One

10 Gale Points FTW

Zorg wrote:Ace is so much sexier than Acewoonder

Re: A Couple of ways to get your alliance out there

What would make an alliance look like something that I would want to get into? What would i look for?

1) Ranks, based on my preferred style what are the ranked at.
2) Number of players, am i a ppl person or a loner. Also second what ace said about number.
3) My idea preference would be less than 20 but for that all members have to be crazy like me.
4) Are the alliance members active.
5) If i am native to a language do they speak in my language or at least one important member.
6) Are they converse in the pm and talk sense or just rants.

based on the above set of queries following are my recommendations.

* Get your alliance at a moderate ranks and post updates of your progress.
* Have a steady member list and active ones. Is not utopia so you will need a bit of slack on the member list so 25 is the max, in that way you will always have 1-15 members active all around.
* Ask your members to be on the forum and try to mingle with the community. But make sure they dont just throw what ever, what you say is what makes u.
* Be sensible on ur forum and in game pm behavior
* Post some really good alliance coordinated UoH post if you can, that gotta show that you really are doing good work not just being there for being there.
* If you are biased to a specific country or language state that.

Alliance Structures

* Have a clear set of purpose stated on ur alliance home page. Many of the alliance are so well known they dont need anything to be written on the home page. may be they wont even recruit. but if u are recruiting wring some mission statement.
* Define the rules clearly. Your allies Nap etc should be on the main page.

In game approach
* Every alliance has something to offer to the members. be certain about what you are offering then approach in game. dont just go on to others to ask them join in so that u have members, try to find what the potential user may need and what u can offer her/him, then write a proper invitation and send them that.
(people listens to you when u have something to say and you are organized about the delivery of the message)

That be mostly everything i can think off.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.