Gumppy[4HM] vs Toad[ETERNA] 354.430.000

for few weeks Toad n i been playing the cat n mouse game.I realized if i was to catch him i would have to nab the other mouse to keep em from moving his fleet out of the way again :!:
The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 8309000 units of Metal, 8309000 units of Crystal and 8309000 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 354.430.000 units.
A debris field containing 141.252.000 units of Metal and 71.406.000 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.

winnings Metal:25.272.595 Crystal:12.640.049 Deuterium:4.172.432

winnings Metal:12.636.298 Crystal:6.320.025 Deuterium:2.086.216

winnings Metal:6.318.149 Crystal:3.160.012 Deuterium:1.043.108

winnings Metal:3.159.074 Crystal:1.580.006 Deuterium:521.554

You collect; 141.252.000 units of Metal and 71.413.200 units of Crystal.

He is not a bad player just a victum of circumstance that most fleeters eventually find that percise moment a fleet is unattended and cash in ;)

may you have a swift rebuild there Toad