I own the alliance United Republic of Sol, currently ranked 19th.

(A) Wat my promblem is, is i dont know how to recruit others is there a button of some sorts to invite them?
(B)Or do u u just send a message and they gotta do it themselves?

If Option A
Please Tell Me Where that button is.

If Option B
Where do they have to go and click on what.

Kind Regards, Timmy806
United Nations Of Sol.

Dont Fly In Front Of Me, I Like The Lead
Dont Fly Beside Me, I'm Clostrofobic
Dont Fly Behind Me, You Might Get Tail Fire
Just Stay The Hell Away From Me!!!


I believe the only method is for them to submit applications. As far as I know this is done by going into their alliance tab, searching for the relevant alliance, and submitting an application. I am not certain, but so far everyone I have invited has figured out how to do it ;)
Jayne: Do you know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with till you understand who's in rutting command here.


oh yeh and one more thing. i havent had somone send an app to my alliance far as i know, so if somone does send one will i get a message somwhere on my alliance screen syaing i got one or when do i have to go to check?
United Nations Of Sol.

Dont Fly In Front Of Me, I Like The Lead
Dont Fly Beside Me, I'm Clostrofobic
Dont Fly Behind Me, You Might Get Tail Fire
Just Stay The Hell Away From Me!!!


arshalo wrote:yeah you will know if some1 wants to join your alliance through an app.. you will get a message :P

like a pm message or when i enter the alliance screen?
United Nations Of Sol.

Dont Fly In Front Of Me, I Like The Lead
Dont Fly Beside Me, I'm Clostrofobic
Dont Fly Behind Me, You Might Get Tail Fire
Just Stay The Hell Away From Me!!!