Returning Hit: pwnage() vs. MickeyFinn (ETERNA)

I first hesitated to post this hit down but since it was practically my first fleetcrash against an active player, I decided to just go ahead and post it anyway. I found this nice little treat nestled about 50 systems away, I prepared my little claws and pounced on the target:

Attacker Loss: 2.482.500 Defender Loss:22.218.000
winnings Metal:373.565 Crystal:740.338 Deuterium:315.072
Debris Metal:9.111.000 Crystal:3.520.500

The stupid battle sim said that my losses would be about 1.2 mil less so I launched the amount of recs needed if I had about that many losses but the actual battle was different so I couldn't collect it all in one swipe. :x

You collect; 8.479.200 units of Metal and 3.520.800 units of Crystal.

GLOTR MickeyFinn
Last edited by pwnage on Thu Apr 01, 2010 10:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
Whenever my fleet gulps down deuterium, it belches DF


Re: Returning Hit: pwnage() vs. MickeyFinn (ETERNA)

best advice i can give on the sim is to do it ten times toss out worst and best if they all read different and figure off that..there is no exact science ..if it reads zero loss 5 times chances are it will be a zero loss but there is always that SURPRISE factor if you are sending 'just' enough ships for the hit.

anyhow nice hit and i would suggest getting in contact with PK or Bob in joining them alliance wise although not sure what quota they are stopping at