I Need Help.

Hello My Name Is Lord10987654321. ( Pease note that my grammer is not flawless so please dont comment on that )

I once had an allaince but it was brocken by a player, Theres no need to know his name. I was planing on rebiulding my Alliance once more but I feard no one would join. Im not good with the hole making the alliance pages or the alliance home page either wich I believe was a majour flaw.

I need some one to help me out so I can make it once more bigger and better so I can actully get members besides friends. :oops:
I need all the help I can get if anyone is wiling to help who is not currently in an alliance and know how to or know some one who can help, please tell them to search the allaince could "The Great Journey" ( shorter way of saying The Great Journey To Galactic Peace ) please I hope some one can help me out.