Role Play - Sci Fi

Well this is my adventuresque thread. Ill be running it a bit differently to ILPY, in that there will be no GM. The stories in this will all be from the characters. Conflict between characters is OK, and I will be playing either an evil or a good chracter depending on how many of each we end up with. In most of the RPGs of this style we've had, theres been one bad guy. In another there was 3 bad guys out of the 7 players, 2 of which alied and the other of which was just bdass enough on his own to hold *everyone* off, and nearly win too. Player cooperation is the key to this style. For example, if you wish to hold a conversation with another player, its often best to talk tothat player on msn beforehand, then put the whole conversation down so its not a string of bits and pieces and isnt interrupted by others. The only ground rules are as follows:

1. The following sheet must be filled out at the end of your first post:
Character Name: Your character name. Try and be serious about it. For example, Velicity Shagwell for your warrior princess is not ok. Mara Jade, Lena E'tav, etc are. However if you just want to go with yourforum name, thats ok too.
Alignment: Are you good? Evil? Where in those bounds do you stand? Do the means justify the ends? A simple good neutral or evil is fine, but it often helps to say Chaotic Evil or Lawful Evil for example, so people know exactly what kind of megalomniac you are.
Race: Feel free to make up your own. Id prefer if players OKed their new races with me beforehand, but in general as long as youre not godmodding its fine. Having chameleonesque skin is ok. Being completely undetectable is not.
Combat preferance: Can be as simple as range or melee, or a breakdown of your actual tactics. Allows friends and allies something to refer to when writing out segments of fight scenes.
Personality: What is your character like? Do they trust easily? Are they loyal to their friends? Do they instinctively mistrust or even attack all outsiders? General knowledge of what your character is like goes here.
Admires: What does your character admire? Wealth alone? Or are they a religious zealot? Do they have an awe inspired near worship of space elves? Etc.
Hates:The opposite of the above.

2. No killing off other players at random. I dont care whether youre an evil alien warlord bent on the extermination of all other races and the other guy is playing a 5 year old human child who just asked you to read her a bedtime story. You dont get to just kill that player off without the OK of that player. Viciously backhanding her across the room into the wall of spikes is fine, as long as you dont look to see if she landed, and we find out she actually landed inthe wall of daisys and pretty flowers.

3. No undoing another persons post. You ay not like what theyve done, you might think that your character clearly would have stopped it. Send the player a PM, and explain the situation. Then post as normal in response. It will take a week or so for your characters to stop stepping on each others feet, regardless of how well you play and how much you work with another character. You will misword something to imply that the other character is your servant. Or that the elf is a woman(Although that one is generally intentional.) Something. So just get over it and move on. If a player is not cooperating PM me and Ill talk to them and if necessary ban them.

4. No scripting anothers actions overmuch. If you need a conversation to happen work it out with the other player beforehand, or at least send them a copy of the conversation to read over and edit. It avoids upsets.

6. No combat whoring or metagaming. Your character cannot just walk into the bad guys throne room and stab him in the face. Also if the bad guys owner says well actually hes invincible unless you stab him in the left eyeball, not a slash or a chop, has to be a stab, and has to be with a fork in a PM to you to explain an action, or to allow you to help script his reactions in a combat scene, your character cannot just decide to stab him in the left eyeball with a fork for teh lulz and OMGx3 it worked! Doesnt happen.

7. Multiple characters are allowed, but only one Main Character / player. For example, as the Evil Mastermind of our current RP over on the TJO forums, my character currently has one named servant who does alot of his gruntwork for him, a named Master Mechanic, and a bunch of faceless mooks. The same character in the RP beforehand had a total of 19 named characters working under him. Named characters are also subject to the norandomkilling rule. If they have a name theyre there for a purpose. Obviously things like naming the guard the other player is sneaking up on last second is not allowed. Especially if the name is Faceless Mook #117.

8.Its all for fun! Despite the abundance of rules and the like, its all for fun. Dont argue about character actions, just have a friendly debate if you need something to happen that woul require another characters consent (Killing off a character for example.) Good luck have fun boys and girls!

Settings of the campaign are as follows: Its space. The main planet we're working around initially is Heraphax IV. The Heraphax system has 11 planets, most are wildly different. Heraphax IV is a mix of technological marvels and massive hive cities, and barren wastes. Its cities are ruled over by the Forge Lords, who manage the mighty facilities beneath the cities and burrowed deep into the planets crust to manufacture machines of a thousand kinds. The Servants of the Forge are the ruling caste, higly educated and nearly emotionless beings who care only for the machines. It is a human world, and while aliens are not hated, they are not loved.
Heraphax III is a similar world, as is Heraphax VI. I is a barren rock near the sun, with only a skeleton crew of workmen operating the massive solar energy collectors and sending it via laser to the inner planets and stations. II is a feral world, its humanoid and human inhabitants at a very low levelof technology, bows and arrows as common as gunpowder rifles. V is a toxic mining world, the gas poisonous to near all types of life, but it holds a priceless wealth of rare minerals in its crust.
VII and VIII are peaceful farm worlds, producing food for the other planets of the system. IX is a penal world, its onl inhabitants criminals from the other worlds of the sector and their guards, it is a lifeless rock with no atmosphere, the prisoners live in cells built into the crust. X and XI are offlimits to all but the Servants of the Forge and the Emperors Legions. The Heraphax system serves under the Emperor Kyl Zul, head of a human empire in his own name with an uneasy truce with most of the major alien races, and a gruelling feud with the neighboring human Confederation of Princes, an aggressively expansionist system of traders ruled by The Great Families. Feel free to add to this as you wish.
Your character can start on or off Heraphax IV as long as they end up meeting up with the other characters eventually. Other systems are fine, and feel free to invent huge rambling flashbacking backstories to those systems and planets.

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

I'll use the same character as in the adventure thread.

Character Name: Eric

Gender: Guy

Alignment: Evil, but lawful. (I want what I want, no sympathy for you if I kill you because you stand in my way, but I won't randomly blow up a preshool)

Race: Reborn human (faster than a human with better senses, but weaker with slower reflexes)
I was murders by other humans and mysteriously brought back

Combat preferance: Sneak around combat and mind control/ pychologically torment enemies. This does not work if I am found, so I also keep a sniper rifle and a taser capable of killing or just tasing

Personality: Doesn't trust anyone but friends, very loyal, has only a few friends, likes to hurt people, Has no real purpose, so he usually does as friends tell him

Admires: ME

Hates: Humans
Last edited by Thatguyeric on Tue Dec 29, 2009 3:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

[I like the concept TGE, suggest you get started on your intrductory paragraph, or find someone to team up with. Atlervetoks joining as a minotaur again, you might want to PM him and agree to start together, sounds like youd both be relatively primitive. Wan to PM me with your characters abilities and post what you mean by 'Reborn'? Are you undead? Have you been experimented on? A mutant? Etc.]

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

character name:atlervetok(since no one could remember my adventure name I am Zeskuk de-Teskos)

gender :male

Alignment:good,but the blood in my veins make me battleraged at some points and bloodthirsty it makes me behave shamefully

Race:Minotaur strong,fast,not dumb but not smart,and known to be battleraged

combat preference:one on one fights to gain honor and glory,and uses axe to split enemies open

personality:has great respect for warriors,is loyal,has only revenge as purpose,has no friends

admires:fellow warriors when they fight one on one battles

hates:mages,wizards,warlocks,witches and magic in general,hates technology some kinds atleast

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

Character name: Ghost

Gender: Male

Alignment: Good, fights for the law and for revenge, doesn't have mercy

Race: Elf Called ghost because of being very swift, fast, and soundless

Combat preferance: Waits in the shadow to strike, otherwise open battles

Weapons. Elven longsword, and a bow who can split up in 2 knives if needed (Bow doens't need arrows, shoots magic arrows)

Admires: No one

Hates: Those who hurt his friends
Last edited by ghosthaunter on Tue Dec 29, 2009 9:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
Angels of Death

The biggest danger in the history and future of humanity, is, was and will always be ourselfs...

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

[You choose where you start, although I think youre in the wrong thread to all be playing with bows, its a scifi! Is noone going to go machine heavy or anything? I know mine will be when I bring him in. Since youre all going fairly primive if youre going from the planets listed I suggest Heraphax II, or from a planet of your own devising from out system. But remember, if youre primitive youll need to explain how you got to/are geting to the Heraphax system! Anything goes, you can play with the background I gave and flesh it out as much as you want, I really just scribbled down the basics of the system I use for Warhammer 40,000 so you guys had something to work with without defining a universe like the Halo or SW universes so you can do whatever you want]

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

Okay rogue, I think we are all still in the adventure mindset where there was no macinery. I am gonna edit my 1st post to be more detailed. BTW, what is with the []'s?

And here we go:

I was on that wretched ship for years. I was headed from earth to a faraway prison planet, convicted of murder, but the pilot and staff were murdered by other inmates, so the plane couldn't be flown. The others were normal humans, so they were no match for me to kill. After all, I needed food. Even after killing them all, I had grown hungry. Naturally, when I heard a distant voice, I was excited. It was muzzled, to quiet to be heard. Growing louder, I concentrated. I could begin to make out words. "" I attempted to fill in the gaps, until it hit me. This was no voice; it was a recording. I understood it all. The recording, loud now, gave the following cruel warning: Attention all passengers, code red, engine malfunction, brace yourself. I jolted up and ran toward the cockpit, the engine roaring like a tornado, until I stumbled over the decaying body of an inmate. Then chaos began. Explosions igniting everything around me, debris raining upon the room, I sat up, dazed with no thought. The crashing of a lightbulb reoriented me, so I knew perfectly well when another came down on my head, knocking me out. And now, I have awakened on this strange futuristic planet.

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

Alright it's been ages since I've Rp'd but I'll give it a shot.

Name: John (Last name unknown)
Age: 27
Alignment: Chaotic Neuteral (I love Chaotic neuteral.)
Species: Human
Height: 6' 2" approx.
Weight: Unknown
Personality: Simply described as bat $#!^ crazy and moodier then a hormonal teenager.
Likes:Pie, the feeling of cold steel, pink fuzzy slippers.
Dislikes:Posers, jerks, people who abuse power, children.

Gale Points: 6