Please make sure you have checked the Players Guide thread first, before asking any questions.

Re: Forum Cleanup & Organization

That would take an incredible amount of work on the moving side my friend. Some topics are not even titled correctly, that means reading through each and every one to sort into it's relevant section.

Not a prospect i'd rather look forward too.

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Forum Cleanup & Organization

Great concept. The real problem is that newbies post all over the place without looking for information in the first place. It's all over with "I have a question" and its usually 2-3 posts above another where the question has been answered. So although it would be great, it would be a constant and continuing effort. On the other hand, if the work were spread out a bit between the 5 moderators that we have it would be manageable.

Re: Forum Cleanup & Organization

If you look, I am in the process of doing a cleanup so to speak. I have already put together a Topic that is stickied that has moon links in it. As for actually making seperate catagories for it.... it would not do any good because we would still have to constantly move topics from one area to another as things still tend to get posted in wrong areas no matter what. So I am hoping that what I am doing will suffice to assist. I know what it is like having to go through all of the posts just to find one about moons, etc.... ;)
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!