Good bye!~

So yeah, RL has caught up on my little summer game (i call it summer game because that was the original plan, summer has been long over and i'm still here, blue more often, but here nonetheless). I'll be missing ZE, specially the people that come into chat often because they're what has made this game the most fun. Everytime i got into the chat i found it lively and fun (unless it was 3am which i understand, who's in chat after 3am but SBT seriously).

Shoutouts go to the best of the best, in no particular order, Weresloth, Istalris, Zookon, Bobz, Alfa2omaga, Curtis, Spankie, OWA, "Rouge", TGE, corbeil, Robertlee, WW, Gale, Anubis, Khan, SBT, and everyone else i failed to mention because the list drags forever and i'm too tired to keep typing, you know who you are. Thanks for making these months a lot of fun with the porn and the pics and the videos (Ok, the porn was just last night and it was SBT but it was a highlight for the quality).



Re: Good bye!~

I'd like to politely add, as a parting gift, a couple words of wisdom to the alliance ~V~.
I could assure you guys you'd have more fun hunting eachother down that looking for a starved out universe for a little hit.

Re: Good bye!~

Damnit Mil, i'm gonna miss you dude. You definitely are one of the best people i've met here mate, hell, i barely even knew you a few weeks ago and you were still willing to throw your fleet in the path of Squirrel for me. That was a fun day, good memories and friends are the highlights of a game like this.

You'll be sorely missed dude, drop by in chat whenever you have a spare few minutes. If SBT's around you might even get a link or two. :lol:

Wish you the best of luck IRL mate!

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Good bye!~

Milito.... we had our little spats and telling each other off but...... I am really going to miss you hun. *boinks you over the head with a broom* .... it had to be done ;)

Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!