Khan [~V~] vs. Kassler [ΑΦΩ] TD 803,985,600

I figured Kassler would eventually weary of the Hunt. I was just hoping that it was me that would be there to greet him when his fleet finally touched down. Luck was on my side today :D

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 247,370 units of Metal, 70,904 units of Crystal and 84,846 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 89,330,000 units,
The defender has lost a total of 714,655,600 units,
A debris field containing 298,665,660 units of Metal and 183,257,700 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet,
The probability of creating a moon is : 20 %

All debris recovered! Considering the amount of attention Kassler has been getting, I thought I might lose some in the pickup.

Based on his recent comments in the forum, this may be the last we see of Kassler.

"You are in a position to demand nothing. I however, am in a position to grant nothing."

Khan Noonian Singh

Re: Khan [~V~] vs. Kassler [ΑΦΩ] TD 803,985,600

Slash wrote:Congrats on the final kill, Kahn.

Me and gumppy spent the better part of the last two days totally destroying his defenses (just for kicks). So, you're welcome for the assist. ;)
Lets not foget those that contributed from the beginnig:
and I think a couple others as well...that helped with a LOT of the big work done.

Re: Khan [~V~] vs. Kassler [ΑΦΩ] TD 803,985,600

Spankie wrote:
Slash wrote:Congrats on the final kill, Kahn.

Me and gumppy spent the better part of the last two days totally destroying his defenses (just for kicks). So, you're welcome for the assist. ;)
Lets not foget those that contributed from the beginnig:
and I think a couple others as well...that helped with a LOT of the big work done.
Lot of the big work? The big work was sending 32 or 35 IPMs every ten minutes at the target- not one or two shots once and hour or so. Yes, thanks to those people for their contributions. But the real work was carried out and to-the-end by me and gumppy.

Just so the record is straight...

And SBT- yes, some of us could have taken the target. No need to be facetious. Like I said before, we would much rather have Khan get it than others-so take the hint. Or do I have to spell the entire situation out to you?