we interrupt this Cigarette run...

the following actually happened...i was driving along listening to the music in ole beat up minivan..mirrors off the side dangling..sputtering comin out the tail pipe as the old engine that could tryin to get me down the road...all of sudden there was a bump in the road..the van flies in the air..bold tires start shacking..so i pull over..and i'll be damn if there wasn't a Squirreloncrack standing to his hind legs..shackin his fist in the air at me..as if to say watch where your driving that fleet mother hatchie!!

nice try Roadkill master..and i'll be fixing the mirrors and sleeping with 4 eyes open watchin for ya!!

Squirreloncrack vs Gumppy

The defender has won the battle !
The attacker has lost a total of 120.000.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 7.619.000 units.
A debris field containing 63.004.200 units of Metal and 13.567.200 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 20 %

Re: we interrupt this Cigarette run...

lol, I like the story! Yes yes, Im the noob of the day :oops: . I was probing Kassler when I noticed gumppy moved in next door so I took a quick peek. When I was sifting through the reports, I seen a small little fleet on a moon. When I launched I thought I was hitting Kassler, forgetting I probed gumppy. Safety probed Kassler and seen the fleet was gone so I didnt even bother recalling. Took me a second to realize what happened.

As I said gumppy, well done. Enjoy the pizza! To be able to come from being reset to to hits like this in such a short time is a massive achievement, good work mate.

Re: we interrupt this Cigarette run...

Nice one Gummpy. Getting one on SOC however it may have happened is an accomplishment.

SOC- Accidents happen. Belligerant who :oops: . LOL. I am still amazed by the invisible lanxes you have pulled off.

"You are in a position to demand nothing. I however, am in a position to grant nothing."

Khan Noonian Singh

Re: we interrupt this Cigarette run...

Thanks guys on the compliments..very rare is it that you catch this caliber a player with his pants down..another 2 minutes and i would have missed the oppurtunity as i was gonna step outside to grab a smoke!

No lettin the gaurd down or my fleet will be a tiny green box..Yellow? ..ok it might just crack the red barrier..its my story anyhow!!