What i think this game needs to be brought back to life....

Way better noob helping systems
1. Coaching system.
Each player that has at least 1 mil points and is at least 1 year old should be able to coach 3 new players... they have to be on a list like friend list and he whould recive rubies if they are active, like the refferal system but instead of point system with their time spent on zorg.
If a new player spent 50 h on zorg 5 rubies; 100-10 rubies or something, further more they would be required to send and recive 10 messages or something during a week or they would permanently loose the ability to be coached by that player. (force the social part of the game to be used!!! that's why we have so few players)
you should be able to coach any new players and add them to your coaching list, a sub section of friend's list or something... if the coached player does not send any messages for a week he should be removed from the list or something... you get the point, this will actually have a great impact as new players do not get invovled in the game so fast and are rapidly turned to farms.
2. A more interesting noob protection system that forces you to play.
Till 100k 5 times the player size after 100k the value should be ajusted to 10-15(at maximum) times the player size BUT the player has to reach 1 milion points in 6 or 8 months(that imo is highly exagerated) or else he will be removed from protection till he reaches 1 milion points. This interactive system will eradicate super noobs and give you a reason to be active and play you'r hardest to reach 1 milion points. There should be a list with players that did not made it to 1 mil points and are now not protected... and 1 mil points not counting the fleet points...
This will also ballance the game and give it an increasing difficulty as the game progresses. The new players no longer have to face titans and that will give them a psichological reason to stay. at 100k and if you are a new player, when you see a 100 milion points player and you think to yourself it took you a month to reach that lvl and you styart to get farmed.... you are really going to question your reasons for this game.
This will actually make the game more interactive as the top players will have mature players to hunt... no longer going for BS fleets like 100k in size or something and the small fry will go up and know that he plays in his own league.

I highly recommend pissing yourself, followed by a course of praying to your impotent god.

Re: What i think this game needs to be brought back to life.

Emperor_of_Death wrote:a girlish theme with cats and ****
lol, you're on to me ;)

In all seriousness I like some of the ideas you posted here and on the other thread. I agree that a lot of players don't stay because they have no idea how to play and don't have much mentoring or support. In truth, it's only because my little sister was constantly giving me tips on how to get started and got me into a decent alliance on X that I stuck around at all and really got into the game. So, yes, some system that sets up experienced players to help new players and rewards this behavior would be a good thing. It all just comes down to the logistics of how best to do this.

I know for various reasons some experienced players are a little paranoid about new players who might be spies, enemies from other servers, etc (only because these fears have too often been proven correct), so a coaching system that rewards mentoring without requiring that the experienced players reveal online times or accept new players into their alliances might be a good thing.

Re: What i think this game needs to be brought back to life.

Emperor_of_Death wrote:WOOOOOW Pulsar agrees with my thoughts... not only that sees that my coaching idea is well build so it would not be used for spies... OMG i have to make a note in the agenda
The day pulsar was nice and agreed with me .... whoooo

Coaching is good, but we've tried before. If players refuse to learn then it's their problem. Helping newbs is wonderful, if they are prepared to listen.

Pulsar agreeing with you. If an idea is good, "most" will agree. Seldom do you find players caning an idea just because of the author. You do have them, one or two, but mostly a good idea will be greeted with the credit it deserves.

Re: What i think this game needs to be brought back to life.

Its feels like its a waste to make all this suggestions. Alot of good suggestion was made in the past and still not one was implemented. Even the Elite Recy is still now in Standard would like to know why. But im going off topic. Emperor you have good ideas. Will be great IF zorg does implement it.
Trust is hard to come by.That's why my circle is small and tight. I'm kind of funny about making new friends.

Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/e/eminem.html#Y0BD0hjkMo301KEH.99

Re: What i think this game needs to be brought back to life.

Calvin wrote:Its feels like its a waste to make all this suggestions. Alot of good suggestion was made in the past and still not one was implemented. Even the Elite Recy is still now in Standard would like to know why. But im going off topic. Emperor you have good ideas. Will be great IF zorg does implement it.
In good fairness, we have implemented a lot of user suggestions already. You cannot expect us to develop whichever suggestion comes down on the table though. That's unrealistic.