
Hey all, just looking for a timeframe for the mass update. I asked this a number of months ago but none of the admins could be bothered responding. Is it still go? Do they have a set release date for it etc? Generally I'd post this in the relevant section of the forums, but the mass section of the forums seems to have been large ly neglected recently and no one ever replies.

Re: When?...

First of all, your question fits in GD (General Discussion). The help forums are obviously innapropriate.

On your question now, we never massively update anything. We do have 3-4 main development cycles per year where we create new things for the game. We fix any bugs as soon as possible. Any critical bugs are usually fixed within 24hours. Lately, each cycle lasts about 2 months. Last 2 cycles were one in October-November and one in late December-January. All main developments and any gameplay changes are mentioned in the changelog here: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=9731&start=10

The next cycle will be more gameplay based than the last ones where we needed marketing tools. Here is a shortlist on-the-go-as-I-write:
-Implement all approved suggestions. Among them there are a few major ones that have been neglected and pushed back (ie viewtopic.php?f=7&t=11229 ).
-Expand SSL support as the sole option to login the game.
-Extend FB support.
-Create a FB-only universe where game will be different.
-Admin/monitor/maintenance tools (we always build)

We want to start the new cycle as soon as possible but it cannot happen right now. I have analyzed elsewhere what the players can do to help the game progress. Try finding that topic.

From there after, there is always someone monitoring the game or replying contact supports, etc. Forums are a different casea as we want the forums to be community driven, not administrator driven. I have seen the forums lacking activity lately and I will be looking to change moderators/administrators where needed.