CR's VN v Black Hole Probes Alliance

MightyOz V WreckedEM

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 136.343 units of Metal, 54.583 units of Crystal and 10.062 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 357.700 units.
A debris field containing 99.720 units of Metal and 101.400 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 2 %

Re: CR's VN v Black Hole Probes Alliance

If others actually read this, then perhaps I should post something here then. I can't post any official combat reports because there were too many, so I deleted them (over 60). However I can give a quick summary of the battle so far.

I am also doing this because I have received approx 20 communique from MightyOz, demanding that I post some results. He seems to be a rules and regulations type guy. It is sort of like Goliath wanting to make sure David uses a regulation sling.

Firstly other players might want to read our alliance page before reading this, it might make more sense.

After MightyOz declared war on us he has sent multiple attack waves, mainly consisting of missiles, interspersed with the odd massive fleet, to the following planets of mine: 'small kittens', (formally known as small kitten, attackmeifyorgay, hisbutt), 'hisownbutt' and 'hisownmother'.

In mightyoz's attack on 'hisownbutt' savage damage was sustained, particularly from the missiles which arrived in groups of ten and then singular amounts over a lengthy period of time. Hisownbutt may never fully recover, and if it does, I won't expect it to quite function the way it used to. All defenses have been torn from it.

Following this were attacks from MightyOz on a small kitten. It survived, but is wasn't particularly pleasant to witness.

MightyOz also inflicted grievous damage to hisownmother in a sustained attack.

At some point during the carnage, a chap called darkassailant joined in. He did a lot of damage to one of my planets too. I think from memory he also mainly targeted hisownbutt, dishing out a real savaging.

Total damage was huge to all targets.

Since, at the inception of this war, and largely to date, our alliance's military fleet consisted mainly of probes there was no way to compete on a military level. We decided to fight back with our sense of humour. In response to the attacks we have lowered the real estate value of MightOz's home planet. We really hurt the resale on that one.(funnier when he is ranked 'number 2'.

I have previously been told off for posting a PM in the forums, which I now know is against the rules. I hope I haven't breached any of the rules with this post.

I did have a quick read through the rules to try to make sure and couldn't find anything. However I did find that if an alliance gets down to one member, the war will be considered a draw, otherwise the total damage gets added up after 72 hours of attack inactivity by the declarer(MightyOz).

This is why I assume he has stopped attacking and has been demanding for me to post some results. Today between 5:35 and 5:36 (game time) our alliance was briefly reduced to one member. (the other one called in sick, but he's ok now folks). Therefore I guess its a draw.

I am very disappointed with this result as I was expecting to receive a surrender message from MightyOz, but there is still time.

Thanks for taking the time to read, if you made it this far.

Check out our alliance page.

Re: CR's VN v Black Hole Probes Alliance

I think that any surrender would have to come with beer before it would be accepted. Windhoek would be better but Castle would also be acceptable. Also, I think that planet names would have to be changed to 'Iloverichiemccaw' and 'dogsrulecatsdrool'. And probably an avatar change to Homer Simpson wearing a mumu.