Gozar[AZGD] vs Weresloth[BOSS]~TD~3,614,843,100

This was not about a fleet crush as more a resources raid.. It started the day before when I spied Sloth's Planets and noticed a little more on them than usual. I found the main bulk awhile later, but left it and PM'ed him..I got a reply much later that day saying he had been stuck on a plane. (Looked like had missed an opportunity of some free resources).:(

Out of curiosity I probed the same planet the next day... To my surprise not only was it still there but it had grown.. :o :D Waited almost 6hrs probed again and it was still there... :dance:

So moved a colony next to him... you will see from the CR's there was a biggish defence..so any distance flight would have taken hours or a huge amount of deut... With nearly a billion (mixed) resources on the planet this hit was just as profitable as crushing fleet... the 1st two hits were LG only as Sloth's defences did not permit EC without big losses...

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 120.833.333 units of Metal, 120.833.333 units of Crystal and 40.428.062 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 1.470.933.600 units.
A debris field containing 70.549.560 units of Metal and 69.438.600 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.

The follow ups..

The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %
Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:834.245.000
winnings Metal:91.666.667 Crystal:70.976.262 Deuterium:20.215.896
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:593.420.000
winnings Metal:188.263.844 Crystal:35.491.502 Deuterium:10.109.968
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:414.269.500
winnings Metal:94.141.583 Crystal:17.749.257 Deuterium:5.057.086
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:301.975.000
winnings Metal:47.080.399 Crystal:8.878.115 Deuterium:2.530.633
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0

all DF collected...

Even with the large deut cost of flying 100's of LG profit just short of 1 billion and that is without converting all to metal... Think this may be only the 1st or second time I have ever attack Sloth.. You have always proved to be a sound player..

Huge glotr...Tom. This was no defence bash..just for profit.