Re: Retaining new players..

mickylove wrote:Oz one simple way to fund it introduce monthly fee €2. And u get a set amount of rubies or get some of plus and u still buy more on top there are many more ways to get more money,

I have not talk trash about you oz its u that posted aggressivly and come across as not seeing other point of view on resetting universe we not calling for ur server to be reset nor have blamed anyone or u to find what is wrong with the game we first have realise what is wrong one is the gap between top and bottom is massive I know u have tried help newbies I have it can be hard, that's because we have the experience have the strategys they don't

At last, thank you MickyLove. The amounts could be changed. Not too much as to put players off, but not too little that it wouldn't pay. I think this is a great idea. Would you consider putting a maximum limit on ruby purchases? I mean, a player could go a little mad. What would be your idea of a good life span for a resettable server?

Re: Retaining new players..

I have been saying what mack/micklove has been saying and you chose to bring up the bad in what I said and to emphasize it. Don't tell me to make a new topic when I started on topic and you started calling everything trash. I stated what mack said before he did... Nvm time to run and whimper

Re: Retaining new players..

I would suggest an idea, that is not new, and was "thrown out" more than once...

Make the x5 attack range for all (not only below 100k / 10k).
You should see, that most of the new players, are actually quitting after they hit 11k / 101k points, and losing their fleet. (I excluded those that didn't build even 1 building for obvious reason, or as I call them "window shoppers").

Having an attack range, would give everyone a more leveled playing field. Meaning to avoid someone with 10 mil points hitting newbie with 20k points, just for a res + df that seems more lika a drop in the ocean.

Big (point wise) alliances may even start recruiting fresh players, because they're not "food", but simply outside of their reach. They may also decide to train them...

[ To be continued ]
All you need is a SickMind and a healty body.

Re: Retaining new players..

I can understand that. But I feel I would have to disagree. Realism is the key for me and many I speak to. That wouldn't happen in the real world.

Make that initial score protection higher for each server, what that score would be I don't know. Perhaps 500k across all servers? Allow players over 100k but below 500k able to attack each other so that they can gain experience and learn still. But after they have reached 500k, they all graduate to the real and often harsh world.