Re: King of the hill

Mr. Ferret loves his creator so he walks up to his dead body and brings me back to life. Then I become his loyal servant.

Looks like Mr. Ferret and I outsmarted you all. Ha. You won't kill a cute 'lil ferret now would you.

The ferrets new name is Mr. Ferret.
Leader of Eldrith Pirates

Re: King of the hill

I kill Mr. Ferret. And his soul. In fact, I rip him out of reality so that he never existed. Not to mention there's no way to bring him back. At all. No matter what. So sad.

Forum Moderator: The Chill One ~ Gale Points: 52
The only thing standing between me and immortality is death.

Re: King of the hill

however its a real shame that a confused, little elderly lady was out walking her vacuum cleaner and accidently left it on top of the hill :shock:

Which so happened to be the ghost buster vacuum cleaner that contains my spirit :D

Karroth leaves the hill to escort the lady home :P

KOTH - though I'm still stuck in a hoover :think:

Chat Administrator ~ 7 Gale Points

Re: King of the hill

Maddened by KOTH's cruel treatment of such a cute animal and it's soul God sends down a COMET shower that "Accidentally" smashes Cypher and completely kills KOTH. Then God chains KOTH's body to a rock, binding him with indestructible chains only 100 feet from the hill. He leaves him there on the rock as an example of what will become of men who go to far in this game. Learn your lesson KarrothMelu.... Never kill a ferret.

Then God gives me (remember I came back to life? >:D ) another ferret. His name is Samuel. Samuel lets Pup become the King of the Hill. After all, Pup was the Vice-king. Pup? Would you mind making the ferret the vice-king?
Leader of Eldrith Pirates