Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Khan wrote:Wow Squirrel! You blew up the moon and the fleet went POOF?

Scary. I think he had a pretty significant fleet over there too.
I dont think his fleet was on either moon but I believe thats what happens.

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Defiant wrote:V vs Defiant

Moon destruction attempts

The fleets deathstar concentrated their graviton shocks on the moon. Tremors rocked the surface of the moon. But something goes wrong. The deathstars graviton guns shake, There is a fatal backwash. Alas! The fleets deathstar explodes into millions of pieces! The explosion destroyed the entire fleet.
The probablity of the destruction of the moon is : 33 %
The probability of the destruction of the fleets deathstar is : 38 %

The fleets deathstar concentrated their graviton shocks on the moon, the fleet obviosly does not have enough power - Mission Failed! The fleet returns in shame

The fleets deathstar concentrated their graviton shocks on the moon, the fleet obviosly does not have enough power - Mission Failed! The fleet returns in shame

The fleets deathstar concentrated their graviton shocks on the moon, the fleet obviosly does not have enough power - Mission Failed! The fleet returns in shame

The fleets deathstar concentrated their graviton shocks on the moon. Tremors rocked the surface of the moon. But something goes wrong. The deathstars graviton guns shake, There is a fatal backwash. Alas! The fleets deathstar explodes into millions of pieces! The explosion destroyed the entire fleet

Nothing big, but i have especially strong moons :D

Defiant loss : 1 moon
V loss : 3 RIPs
Learn to count Defiant, V lost 2 RIPs. Well worth it though.

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Haven't been seeing many big hits on AZG lately, do you guys got any fleet left? ;)

Oh and are you guys gonna add the RIP's lost to your TD? Or is that left out?


P.S.- Happy birthday LoW! :D
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Last night we did a missile test on V planets - consisting only of about 10 AZG members(who ever was online).
In 1 hour roughly 5000 IPMs was fired at V with great success! (you know what you lost)

For the 1st time in this war we heard the enemy panic with threat msges from squirrel etc.

You seem to think it's pointless to fire IPMs 'cause there's no TD points to show for it, but we don't care about TD points - this is WAR not a football match!!

If V don't stop this war, we'll continue breaching your defenses...

What do we expect to achieve by this? With all your defenses down you are vulnerable! Other strong players (not in AZG) will see the opportunity and take advantage of it... don't underestimate the willingness of other players to take V's place in the top rankings!
You cannot cover all your planets without splitting your fleets, and if you do that your fleets will be more manageable to destroy..

In war, when facing a superior force, there’s a lot of war-tactics you can follow :
- cut off their supply lines
- guerilla warfare
- take away their security
- pound on their weakness.. everyone has one!

You've destroyed a couple of our fleets, then you reverted to trying to destroying our moons... well guess what - AZG just bit back!!

We will start farming you, cutting off all your supply lines, we’ll do guerilla warfare, our strength is in our numbers – yours is not!

If anything, last night showed us we can work together, it gave everyone involved a sense of unity! Now just imagine 60 members fighting together!

So now I’m telling YOU – YOU can stop this anytime, just agree to peace and we will stop! If not, last night will seem like fire-crackers compared to what will come!

Oh, yes – we have Death stars too, probably more in total than you, so think about what you want to do!

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Defiant wrote:Last night we did a missile test on V planets - consisting only of about 10 AZG members(who ever was online).
In 1 hour roughly 5000 IPMs was fired at V with great success! (you know what you lost)
Thats what you call a success? LMAO, defense rebuild time, 1Hr (mostly ABMs).
Defiant wrote:For the 1st time in this war we heard the enemy panic with threat msges from squirrel etc.
Panic? It was a warning, you'll see.
Defiant wrote:You seem to think it's pointless to fire IPMs 'cause there's no TD points to show for it, but we don't care about TD points - this is WAR not a football match!!
Waste of time, my defence protects overnight production not my fleet.
Defiant wrote:If V don't stop this war, we'll continue breaching your defenses...
Let me know when your allies get sick of losing their fleet, already dropping like flies we will just keep rebuilding with DF from your fleet. At the start of the war you had 67 members, down to 60 now with a large number in (v) (i) or begging to get into ~V~
Defiant wrote:What do we expect to achieve by this? With all your defenses down you are vulnerable! Other strong players (not in AZG) will see the opportunity and take advantage of it... don't underestimate the willingness of other players to take V's place in the top rankings!
You cannot cover all your planets without splitting your fleets, and if you do that your fleets will be more manageable to destroy..
People have been having pops at us from day 1, IPM'ing wont make it easier for them.
Defiant wrote:In war, when facing a superior force, there’s a lot of war-tactics you can follow :
- cut off their supply lines
- guerilla warfare
- take away their security
- pound on their weakness.. everyone has one!
Thanks for the complement!
Defiant wrote:You've destroyed a couple of our fleets, then you reverted to trying to destroying our moons... well guess what - AZG just bit back!!
1, I can count the fleets you have left on 1 hand. 2, That was like a "Mosquito bite" <- Words from one of your own members.
Defiant wrote:We will start farming you, cutting off all your supply lines, we’ll do guerilla warfare, our strength is in our numbers – yours is not!
Farm us? LOL. Our supply lines are your fleets, mine production is an appetizer.
Defiant wrote:If anything, last night showed us we can work together, it gave everyone involved a sense of unity! Now just imagine 60 members fighting together!
Bout time. Oh, and thanks for confirming what timezone you are in now I know which is your sleep time and which is work.
Defiant wrote:So now I’m telling YOU – YOU can stop this anytime, just agree to peace and we will stop! If not, last night will seem like fire-crackers compared to what will come!
You light a few fire crackers and you think your winning.. Pfff

Ive seen your circs, hilarious. You think a Large shield requires 5 IPMs?

You are deluded if you think this hurt us.

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

You know what SOC... it's fine! It's a pity you get personal in your PMs to me, but i guess that's your style..
We'll fight it out - win or loose, it's gonna be a long war but it will be interesting and i'll enjoy it! Maybe you'll trap our fleets, maybe not.. but good luck on trying!

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Defiant wrote:You know what SOC... it's fine! It's a pity you get personal in your PMs to me, but i guess that's your style..
What are you aiming at with a comment like that? Nothing I said in the PM was personal, quit with the lies.