Re: Tournament III - Feedback

Doomrager wrote:Okay officially reported because you literally lurked and waited for me to post. Are you kids serious?
And man can't remove the den then you'd have to play!
Seriously You just wrote that? Paranoid much!!! I am also lurking and just waiting for the right moment to post it comes.......and...

Right here it is, miners need to keeep dens....not everyone wants to do a Zorton and play nonstop (just an example, plenty in Generals have far too much free time lol)....this is a time critical game and some people want the ability to protect what little res they may have ( storage dens protect very little tbh if u bother to check the res to build/protect ratio) Regardless of storage facilities I still saw plenty pointless hits by you Deidara so it's not like you didn't get your defence bashing fix every day. Difference is that you think you should be rewarded for it lol! Was the only reason u wanted a war ftr....just to bash ...If u want to bash something then go play Whack-a- Mole ...I played as fleeter in previous tourny and miner this time I can see things from both unfortunately can't.

Re: Tournament III - Feedback

Sorry Guys But if We Shall Remove Dens ,
Then We Shall Decrease Power of Predators
Make Star Raiders Weaker
You Want Admin To Remove What Makes Miners Play and Survive , Then Preds Still Continue Flying With Their Unstoppable Power?
Miners Den Even Shall be Better in Next Round
and We Must Decrease Power of Predators Becuz They Are Extremely Powerful
Not Star Raiders , Not Lunars , Not Destroyers , Not RiPs and No Ship Can Bring Down Them...Unless in Massive Numbers
Just Imagine How Many RiPs/Lunars/Destroyers We Need to Destroy 12k Predators !!!

Also i Really Don't Feel Good About 'Star Raider's Name
i Offer Admin to Change Their Name to ''invader"
Light is Easy to Love
Show me Your Darkness

Re: Tournament III - Feedback

I think some of u miss understand what the bonus are for and what they do the bonus are build in to add to a style of play and add to they strengths its our/ur job to find weakness this is same in the other servers the dens help but still ur job make yourself unprofitable no matter what general u are same with the fleet u fs preds can't hit u if u whated to fleet and hit fleet then u should choose fleet general the key is the resources and what u spend it on and how u look after ur resources bonus help but still u as player to found a winning strategy just because u r used raiding for res then find u can not do that so easy in a tournament setting don't blame the game or the bonuses