Re: Ask me any question?

neoshagrath wrote:
Khan wrote:Some theorists believe the Raptor had some feathers and was in the evolutionary chain of the chicken. I just think that's funny.
I think dinosaurs evolved from a winged animal. And I think chicken did not evolve from raptors because dinosaurs are reptiles.
Well there are many theories about the different evolutionary chains. For example, some believe the Neanderthal to be a direct descendant of man, while others believe the Neanderthal was a separate offshoot. Whales are another good example, originally believe to be evolved from other sea-faring creatures, they are now believed to be evolved from an early hippo or water-faring pig.

As far as I know, the most commonly accepted belief is that there were fish that came unto land and developed into amphibians. Some of those developed into reptiles, which included the Dinosaurs. I know that there was some kind of gliding reptile that is believed to be one of the ancestors of the Dinosaur. I think they were kind of like the flying squirrels, gliding from tree to tree.

Proving the existence of feathers is very difficult, as they do not survive the test of time. Scientists speculate on their existence from some of the bone structure and from what I remember tiny indentations in some of the bones, but it is unknown. As far as the Raptor association with the chicken, that was from a Discovery channel show I caught a little while back. My knowledge is really general in this area.

One of the challenges with evolutionary biology is proving common ancestry. There are a few areas that are not well understood. One is speciation, the rapid development of a completely different species in a relatively short period of time. Though the environment and circumstances have been speculated on, there is not very much in the fossil record to explain it. Another one is irreducible complexity. It seems that that something as complex as the eye may have developed independently among different creatures. That is curious to some and another area that is not well understood.

So could the Raptor be related to the chicken? Well birds are believed to be evolved from reptiles, so why not?

"You are in a position to demand nothing. I however, am in a position to grant nothing."

Khan Noonian Singh

Re: Ask me any question?

lol, well just the benefit of having a bunch of Discovery channels and some other good stuff on cable and having read a few books.

Just curious Neo, although I am an amateur at this it appears that from the bone structure of your icon you may be related to this fearsome beast of Legend.

Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog
What do you think?

"You are in a position to demand nothing. I however, am in a position to grant nothing."

Khan Noonian Singh

Re: Ask me any question?

Is that the show (Saw this part on youtube) about killer little bunnies that jump on peoples' heads and bite them to death? It looks like the same type of armor they wear. :lol:
Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. ~ John Maxwell

It is an unfortunate fact that we can secure peace only by preparing for war. ~ John F. Kennedy

Re: Ask me any question?

I didnt even have to say anything. Thanks guys. :D Any questions in this post can be answer by anyone, for I dont have the time to be on zorg that much these days. I have many other things I have to attend to, and so little time to do them, Time seems to fly by when your having a good time. I need to get on with my life and so I am leaveing from the forums. You will only see me on here once in a great while, for only when I have time I wil be on. One question I have for everyone here before I go: What do you plan on doing with the rest of your life? As for me, I would rather keep it to myself. See you sometime later in life. ;)


P.S.: Your Opinion overcomes the facts, as long as you belive in yourself, what you think is true to you and no one else can take that right away from you, so always never back down to a challenge, because you can always over come the odds, whatever the risks there are, luck and courage will always be on your side.
Artifical Inteligence Intended for Assination and Sabatoge