Re: Making newcomers important ?

I have this very great guy who is a very strong player, the strange thing is he has no english language at all.

The most important thing you can do to get more players and make them feel welcome is easy:

Translate the damn thing

I could have brought a hundred guys from my country if it were in my language, but....

Re: Making newcomers important ?

google translate is real CRA....sorry, I mean not good enough

I sent this guy a failed moon shot the attacking fleet was destroyed and there was no DF....
that was new to him, and he asked where is the DF

After 10 massages trying to explain that failed MD mission generates no DF, I sent him this last attempt:

"Last try

moon destruction başarısız


& He is using the google translator.

I am not sure if he got it yet.

Translate it please

& just between us BFC I think the guys here are afraid the Chinese might dominate this
someone sending you 我要踢你的屁股 with his rips coming your way can be real intermediating.

Re: Making newcomers important ?

First thing to do would be to clean up and update the Help section of this Forum.. as an experienced player I found it hard to use when we (SGA) first came to Zorg... not only is much of the info outdated..misleading..or just plain wrong.... but it is scattered..buried... or missing. Like today..I have been in Zorg 8+months..and just found the Rule Update regarding Milking within an Alliance (dated 2011).. which is NOT posted in the In-Game Rules.
Besides that stuff.. the only thing I could suggest is Like I have done..when spying on newer players..and see they are trying..but making bad decisions i.e researching "Dead End Techs" I message them with advice and/or Invites to Alliance... I also try not to perch like a Vulture..just drooling to take their ships as soon as they pop over 100k. I wasted my Time in another Game over 2 years telling them the same thing I will say this once here:
Think in terms of a Food Chain... if the bigger Players keep eating the Smaller players to the point of extinction..sooner or later all that is left is the Large Players.. once they devour each other or face perpetual Stalemates... your beloved Game will go the Way of the Dinosaurs... i.e POOF!!! (this is what brought SGA to Zorg to begin with) :think:
