Re: Top 10 alliances discussion.

[quote="Milito"]Hey guys, just wanted to see what everyone thinks of the top 10 alliances in general.
I'll start by posting them:

1 Vengeance 11 41.136.981 3.739.725

2 AZGUARD 44 34.683.328 788.257
cool guys

3 Dacia 14 18.275.832 1.305.416
i dislike these guys

4 Alpha~Omega 43 14.886.977 346.208
hmm seems pretty solid

5 Azure Wings 64 11.521.079 180.016
these guys and gals are awsome

6 Illigitemati Eternum 38 10.892.326 286.640
they try to steal out members.

7 Hells Fury 19 9.394.571 494.451
i revisit scary but there also scary awsome

8 RAWK 6 9.376.726 1.562.787
there cool

9 NEMESIS 8 8.502.107 1.062.763
not much i know about them

10 Twin Runes 9 7.917.567 879.729
these guys are pretty awsome to

Re: Top 10 alliances discussion.

1 Vengeance 11 41.136.981 3.739.725
Rankings speak for themselves!!!

2 AZGUARD 44 34.683.328 788.257
A couple good players, other than that......Turtle soup.

3 Dacia 14 18.275.832 1.305.416
Could care less.

4 Alpha~Omega 43 14.886.977 346.208
I've plowed a couple of those farms!

5 Azure Wings 64 11.521.079 180.016
Too many farms to say good leadership. A very likable leader, not a good one. Sorry Gale

6 Illigitemati Eternum 38 10.892.326 286.640
no oppinion

7 Hells Fury 19 9.394.571 494.451
Zookon, great player, even better teammate, even better person. 'nuff said!

8 RAWK 6 9.376.726 1.562.787
Great leadership, not afraid to pull plug on dead weight. Much respect to the alliance that taught me so much. Won't take long for them to be a top 5 alliance again.

9 NEMESIS 8 8.502.107 1.062.763
1 step away from being elite.

10 Twin Runes 9 7.917.567 879.729
Istalris with a renewed passion for the game and Paradox. I look forward to watching this alliance grow. I think it has a bright future. Don't know Paradox but I know that Istalris defines "class"
[Showing no mercy!

Re: Top 10 alliances discussion.

1 Vengeance
The most powerful alliance almost since the start has grown even stronger following the events of "Judgment Day". A potent and lethal combination of skill, teamwork and power.

Seem to be more of a confederation than alliance, but credit to Defiant for holding this many together.

3 Dacia
Sorry to say, seem rudderless. I am not sure there is direction at all.

4 Alpha~Omega
Well coordinated and large alliance. Somewhat underrated. They exceeded expectations in their war against Memel. Curtis may get all the press, but they have several outstanding members starting with Valadeva, Rukai and River-Chicekn.

5 Azure Wings
Well intentioned and well organized, but in my opinion stifled by somewhat of an open-door policy for admission. Though somewhat green, Gale is growing more along with their membership. Though, I am not personally a fan of the larger alliances.

6 Illigitemati Eternum
Seems to be more of a training alliance, but led by the elusive Eos and magnanimous Urweirdsaysi. Not familiar with the rest of them.

7 Hells Fury
Following the events of Judgment Day, Zookon returned to his home, strengthening one of the fastest rising alliances in the game. Hats off to Bob as well.

Things move in cycles and no alliance was hit harder following the Judgment Day Events. Seeming to be on the precipice of challenging ~V~ for supremacy, they have fallen back in the pack. Their core is still lethal. Underestimate them at your own peril.

Original home of many current and future superstars.

10 Twin Runes
Created in the wake of the events of Judgment Days and led by the two of the best players in Zorg Empire (and two of my favorite). Their future is certainly bright, but the jury is still out. Seem to have displaced RAWK as the #1 enemy of ~V~. In survival of the most fit, probably will either be strengthened immeasurably by all the attention or seriously hurt. Time will tell.

"You are in a position to demand nothing. I however, am in a position to grant nothing."

Khan Noonian Singh

Re: Top 10 alliances discussion.

Milito wrote:Hey guys, just wanted to see what everyone thinks of the top 10 alliances in general.
I'll start by posting them:

1 Vengeance 11 41.136.981 3.739.725
I'll admit that they scare me more than anyone.

2 AZGUARD 44 34.683.328 788.257
They gave me a chance by NAP'ing with me when I had 3 members and was one of the weakest alliances. :D

3 Dacia 14 18.275.832 1.305.416
They have the wrong definition of "honor".

4 Alpha~Omega 43 14.886.977 346.208
Haven't had a lot of expirience with them. I really like most of the members I've met. A few, though, just annoy me...

5 Azure Wings 64 11.521.079 180.016
I'll admit, I have some work to do.

6 Illigitemati Eternum 38 10.892.326 286.640
eOs is doing a great job so far in taking the leadership.

7 Hells Fury 19 9.394.571 494.451
I wish they would stop hating us because we're ranked higher than them... :lol:

8 RAWK 6 9.376.726 1.562.787
Even though I'm scared of them, I'm glad this alliance is back. :)

9 NEMESIS 8 8.502.107 1.062.763
Great members, great friends, great FLEETS. :D

10 Twin Runes 9 7.917.567 879.729
I'm looking forward to getting to know some of them - I have yet to do so.
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Top 10 alliances discussion.

7 Hells Fury 19 9.394.571 494.451
I wish they would stop hating us because we're ranked higher than them...
On behalf of Hells Fury i wish to say that; my alliance do not hate you we simply spy you, then when we find something we go for it! it is part of the game Gale! If you do not want not want us to spy you then make us bored with spying you, tell your members to stop being farms. i mean no disprespect by this.It is just a reply
And to be honest i should think so with 54 members! We have 19. and we are growing fast so i'd watch your position because were after it :evil:
The day has arrived where death is just another one of those thrills!

Re: Top 10 alliances discussion.

Guess you're right ^^. It wasn't offensive at all - you're absolutely correct. I've actually kicked out all of our inactives, so hopefully that got rid of most of the farms. Good luck to you and the growth of your alliance; because we'll defend our spot ^^.
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Top 10 alliances discussion.

4 Alpha~Omega 43 14.886.977 346.208
Tried to make us disband and join them when we were noobs! Hit a few of em. Dislike curtus v.much

watch your word bobsy :evil:
i never ask that. that his own personal act. not the A~O decission.

Re: Top 10 alliances discussion.

[quote="Milito"]Hey guys, just wanted to see what everyone thinks of the top 10 alliances in general.
I'll start by posting them:

1 Vengeance 11 41.136.981 3.739.725
the no1 and the benchmark, when ever i talk to a noob and they ask about V i say read the V vs AZG war (that was such a cool read!) it shows how good they are SOC in particular i think he must have 5 shredded wheat a day myself not only they got SBT khan etc ..... now they got gumppy as well!!!

2 AZGUARD 44 34.683.328 788.257
i think this alliance is strong got several high ranking players and defiant seems like good leader and good player, plus they got APA 1 000 000 lasers :shock: please can i spy on you APA just to see wot 1 000 000 lasers looks like :lol:

3 Dacia 14 18.275.832 1.305.416
lot of hate for these guys but they never come on forums at all so i dont know much about them to know why, i do know that they love to build stuff, chokies on a mining mission! i think he is going for 2 000 000 points :lol:

4 Alpha~Omega 43 14.886.977 346.208
dont know much about AO valadeva, rukai seem strong and the infamous curtis he gets a lot of hate but i reckon zorg needs the trash talkin guys adds another dimension to the game curtis_have_you_found_anyone_to_suck_it_yet? :lol:

5 Azure Wings 64 11.521.079 180.016
i like gale dont know much about them only people say they farms, im sure they got some good players too though and they now got yin yang ninja kirby the spy i reckon he has a secret hidden fleet :lol:

6 Illigitemati Eternum 38 10.892.326 286.640
i know that trox loves to build nearly as much as the dacia guys and the elusive eOs has a cool fleet ive heard 2 strong players dont know much more good that they teaching new players though like twin runes

7 Hells Fury 19 9.394.571 494.451
8-) i joined these guys few days ago im hopin we gonna get strong and kick some *** :D zookon and bobz are gonna lead us up these rankings im sure i also think zookon is now best player in zorg outside of V that hit was awesome

8 RAWK 6 9.376.726 1.562.787
they lost strong members but slash and templar are very good players im sure they gonna recruit/recruited some other strong players and rise back up rankings

9 NEMESIS 8 8.502.107 1.062.763
similarly to rawk lost a lot of there strongest players but looks like theyve got some strength back and will rise

10 Twin Runes 9 7.917.567 879.729
they got ista, para and sloth and its good they gonna train the new players the ways of the game 8-) , ista you should gather the noobs around in a semi circle and read them a story about FS "once upon a time there was a squirrel and he didnt like moons much especially wen they had hidden treasures inside..." :lol: