Re: Razor vrs,. Xenon

1.Harassment to other players is strictly forbidden. This includes the use of offensive, racistic comments or sexually explicit language in messages, or on boards; spamming; sending unwanted messages when told to stop, etc. Light hearted banter (flaming) within the alliance forums is expected but shall exhibit a level of respect. Please mind your attitude and language at all times. Be polite and have fun.

2. Pyramids (repeated copying of quotes) may not exceed three quote frames. Trolling (posts simply to irritate, annoying comments, or to illicit an anger response) is prohibited in any form whether written or in the form of an image. All posting shall be made within "work safe" guidelines. ASCii images may not be employed.

Keep the flaming to a minimum.
Consider this as a warning for everyone.
Seasons end.

Re: Razor vrs,. Xenon

for the record. i told UV i would leave his alliance alone. i didnt single alaeric out because he was in razor i wanted a target who was active. he asked why i explained myself and offered to stop. waste more resources without gain trying to destroy me. it wont get you any further than it did last time ;)

Re: Razor vrs,. Xenon

has there been a "War" to date that has had actual "reason"? To one reason is truth, to another babbling idiocy, but it is still reason,,, and maybe... reason for War!

Re: Razor vrs,. Xenon

As this was probably a really cruddy attempt at a War I propose mutual peace with Xenon, just so i can wage war on another random alliance for no apparant reason
3, 2, 1.....Boom! Headshot


Re: Razor vrs,. Xenon

The war is still on all one of there players who was in the first fight has still been harrasing Razor players and just threating but not doing

Re: Razor vrs,. Xenon

This is getting annoying, can you type word noun agreement or what?
Sig by TG trigger.

Cops don't like me, so I don't like cops. ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne, ne ne ne ne ne ne, nenenenene PWNNN!!!