Re: Player Protection

Uhm... Can you give at least a 24 hr notice before changing the state of the player protection?
I thought I was safe then here comes another (a lot) of attack waves coming from the top players.
It caught me off guard then left me helpless.
Probably my bad though. I missed the changes in the forums.
Seasons end.

Re: Player Protection

Zorg wrote:We would be happy to hear your suggestion in this department.

Our first ideas include:
-Maximum & minimum limits on players you can hit based on points.
-Maximum number of attacks one can launch against a specific player in a 24h zone.
1. No limits to how many bases you can hit.
2. No limits to attacks on a player.

You hit until you can't hit anymore.

Newbie protection should be 48 hours to one week.


Never following the rules of others, Instead, following our own.


Re: Player Protection

Zorg wrote:The sooner we come to an agreement regarding the protection, the better for everyone. It is also hard to define 5% or 20% of resources. % of what ? You mean that the % of the resources the player had when the attack arrived? I think the current % is 50 but I may be mistaken. I will get back to you with accuracy once I get a reply on this.

As far as the general idea, is to limit number of attacks, as I said earlier. Here is an example:

Player A has 500 points
Player B has 400 points
Player C has 250 points

Rule 1: You can attack people with 50% more of your points and people with 25% less of your points.
Player A top limit:750 bottom limit:375 (Can attack Player B but not Player A)
etc etc

In general, we are not fond at all of this idea. Only perhaps with a big margin (like +-100%)


Rule 2:MAximum 6 attacks per player against a planet/ Maximum 12 universal attacks per plabet in the space of 24 hours.

I agree with this one, it sounds the best so far.If you use the walk-through in the menu, you should be fine. Plus this way also keeps the real high-ups from just milking every new player that comes in. But it also allows everyone reasonable raids. It has my VOTE.
Your just jealous because the voices only talk to me.

Re: Player Protection

It is curious that most of the discussion concerning player protection is being limited to the first few days of newbie play. Of course, the new player should have time to acquaint him/herself with the game before becoming prey to an indefensible attack. After all, discouraging people right from the get-go is not a sustainable business model for selling Zorg rubies, the only observable method of paying to host this interesting game. During my first weeks of play, I pondered the reason it was so easy to find inactive players; many of whom had advanced significantly beyond my level at the time. Approximately 24-hours after breaking the 10,000 point limit on the 5-times-ratio, my system was attacked by a player having approximately 180 times the points and whose rank is approximately 1/40 of mine - The devastation was complete to the point of laughing - he did not suffer a single loss. Kudos to him. The new battle simulator suggests that the difference between assets is so great no apparent strategy could result in anything other than absolute defeat. While there needs to be risk to provide challenge, an unavoidable outcome can take the fun out of it. While I will continue to play with my son and some people at work, all of whom I introduced to this game, the disparity in levels and the tactical implications this causes will probably free up a lot of my time and certainly discourages the purchase of rubies to expedite a repeat performance :-)

Re: Player Protection

This can never be stressed enough..... By the time you reach that 10k points mark, you should know how to fleet/resource save. There are many helpful sections on such things here in the forums. If you reach 10k and leave fleet and resources sitting on your planet thinking a few rockets will protect it then that would be your mistake. If you make sure you are not profitable then you will not be hit. There are some very good alliances that are willing to teach new comers how to play this game, we can not force any one to join them though.
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!

Re: Player Protection

Full agreement with the fleet save recommendation. Unfortunately, this option would require scheduling my life around a game. Get home early only to wait an hour for a fleet to return or be recalled, or get home late and find it missing. Of course a new player needs to understand the phlanx technology available to players of a higher level than 10,000 points and the types of fleet saves providing the best/or any protection. There are 462/183 responses to the search term "fleet save/fleetsave", and 265/141 responses for the terms "phalanx/lanx". A 2-page definitive summary PDF on some of the more discussed topics would be helpful. As for a "few rockets", it was actually over 1000 turrets from LL's to PC's - still a pittance by Zorg standards. I mention this only for new players like myself who may be reading this post and to properly put into perspective the importance of fleetsaving and that a defensive posture significantly greater than a "few rockets" is still entirely worthless when confronted by 30,000 fighters.

Re: Player Protection

I have to agree with you on the definitive guide being needed badly for a good 50% of new users... it would probably cut down on the amount of inactives we see. There were some rather good guides written by members here on the zorg forums that explained a great deal, but they seem to have diseappeared in the flow.... If one were assembled and written cohesively then it would probably boost player scores and activity.

As to the whole scheduling life around a game, only those who are fleeters truly have to live by the clock. I'm the sort who has easy access to the net through various nefarious means :twisted: so I don't find it terribly inconvenient, but when I do need a break I use vacation sense in risking months of work if you can't keep it safe.

I'd suggest a change of strategy, become a turtle and spend every bit of res on mines and defenses, more mines and then more defenses... a dash of research and a whackload of cargo's... the trick is to remain unprofitable.

Consider being crushed once past the 10K mark a hazing of sorts - it seperates the players into clear groups...
If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn't brood. I'd type a little faster.

Re: Player Protection

I remember when you busted my cherry, you were more than willing to give me pointers on how to avoid a repeat performance. I have found in zorg that if you ask your attacker what you are doing wrong most will give you helpful hints. Those who respond to being attacked by slinging insults, threats, or whine usually don't go far..... there are exceptions.

Re: Player Protection

Never really understood the anger management issues that appear from time to time. It is all a game meant for enjoyment. I actually thought the lopsided nature of the battle report was quite amusing. My defenses didn't score any damage but there was a second exchange. :lol: