Re: Vengeance Vs Hells Fury

Istalris wrote:
Gamepro41 wrote:What's with the hop of Zookon from HF to ~V~ in the middle of a war?
Wow... just... wow.

I don't think i've ever been so stuck for words.

i know what ya mean..had those same thoughts back on judgement day

Re: Vengeance Vs Hells Fury

wat.? zookon moved 2 the rival alliance in the middle o da war.? i had so much respect fer im.. nw i ve 2 go 2 player awards n change ma vote..

War does not determine who is right - only who is left.

Re: Vengeance Vs Hells Fury

:shock: Lots of talk I see... it is only talk though. I knew this would happen though as it is a must on ZE, no talk on here = a very dull game ..... but GAME it is!

I have my reasons for why I have made this move, these reasons are between the people involved and those people only.

If it makes you all feel better go ahead and change your votes on the awards, that doesn't change the player I am. I will always play ZE the way I always have done, that will never change.

Good luck ~HELLS~



Re: Vengeance Vs Hells Fury

In Zooks defence!

He did this as a way to end the war, or at least make us to be able to see a possible end of the war!

The decison then laid in my hands!

Surrender or continue!

I will admit this war almost finished! I knew about the move with Zook as we had talked about it but it still demoralised me and my alliance! I was ready to surrender!

Sad went to talk to his alliance about whether my terms were good enough and in that time i saw the light!

My members showed me what this war was about and how we will NOT get pushed around by bullies. My alliance showed me what ~HELLS~ is about!

Yes we lost Zook, but this war can still be fought!

We fight fire with fire!

We do what we came here to do in the first place!

The day has arrived where death is just another one of those thrills!

Re: Vengeance Vs Hells Fury

@zook im sry fer the words zook.. ya stil da player i respect the most..ya wer a hero in ma eyes n the news o ya changin sides came as a shock :shock: n hence al da talk abt changin ma vote .. bt ya stil the gr8est player in ze n ya stil got ma vote.. ya may hv ya reasons bt 2 small players like us who dnt knw wat happnd behind the curtain tend 2 feel their hero has taken a wrong turn n let dose who followed him at gods(in dis case ~v~) mercy :( ..
@bobz inspirin words bobz.. you are a very brave leader.. good luck HF..

War does not determine who is right - only who is left.