Re: Standard real hot news

This just came in:

R_Daneel_Olivaw (105.351 fleet points) Has Ripped the @$$ of the giant Kadao (2.224.024 fleet points) :o

Olivaw explained:
"Kadao is always bulling the new players, as soon as you reach 10K points, Kadao is the first to welcome you.
Well, I had it up to here (hand over head) with those bullies & I am going to teach them all a lesson"

Kadao Had this to say:
"this boy has balls, I like balls, I take his balls, and hang on the mirror of my BC" :twisted:

in 2 days, this is the 3ed attack on a giant from a smaller player & it is all from SGA players, is this a trend in the standard universe, that the other universes don't have....only time will tell
does Battlecruisers come with a mirror :?:

Re: Standard real hot news

After he finished waxing his costumed destroyer, Katt grabbed a bear rewarding himself for a job well done.
Got into his ship
Combed his hair
Putted on his shades
And spoke in the mike:
"When we start something, we better finish it"

the planet was scorched from the launch of 10,000 destroyer ships

"Sleepy, your @$$ is toast"

smiled the brave emperor, while cruising in style to the home planet of his enemy.

Re: Standard real hot news

Cripton ears are still ringing from the last attack of Kadao... he is disoriented while trying to open a communication line with his attacker:

"Kadao, you are destroying all my solar sats & thats against chapter 23-E5 of the rules of engagement"

He hears a sinister laugh on the other side:
"F@ck The rules of engagement you little peace of #$%@, where is that motherF@%$!& R_Daneel_Olivaw, he needs to take his medicine"

"How the hell should I know" the ringing is causing a massive headache for Cripton :Doh:

"You better find out & fast" :twisted:

"Oilvaw, for the love of god what have you gotten us into"
Cripton drops to his chair when he sees another giant BC fleet heading to his planet on the screen.

"this is just an incentive to help you find him" laughs the enraged Kadao

Re: Standard real hot news

This just came in:

R_Daneel_Olivaw has done it again, this brave soul is going down on the APE team like there is no tomorrow, all his team were ow struck when he revealed his latest victim:


"I found my rhythm and I just started dancing baby" Olivaw smiled while polishing a place for his attacker of the week trophy.

Helotes just laughed when we asked him about the attack:
"Oh, he is clever I must hand him that, and for that I have devised a new attack signature:
8765" :shock:
Last edited by Blame on Fri May 11, 2012 11:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Standard real hot news

Kadao is mad with frustration, he cant believe whats happening:
"those SGA maggots I will get them all" :wall:

he takes a notepad from his pocket and scribe a name on his "to kill soon" list:


seems that Raynor has made multiple attacks on Kadao with just cargo ships, when we got to see the busy fleeter, he had this to say:
"it is all in the timing, if I get his resources before he lands from fleetsaving, he will be running on empty and cant attack any of my team" :idea: