How large initial storage should be on Speed ?

Poll ended at Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:36 pm You may select 1 option

Current (100k)
Total votes: 1 (2%)
Total votes: 5 (9%)
Total votes: 14 (24%)
Total votes: 38 (66%)
Total votes: 58

Re: [Implemented] Resource storage in Speed.

Small storage amounts will make raids more and more pointless, causing the universe to be slow because all fleets are docked at the planet and no one's wiling to attack. In all reality, storage needs to be at least 1 mill, if not double that. Faster res production means more res to store. I for one have to go to school and can't get on the computer all of the time, so I can't spend my res, meaning that in the long run I won't have as much points as everyone else because I'll lose the resources that would have been produced if my storage didn't cap out at 100k. This is my argument as to why more storage space should be implimented.
Average Person ~ Gale Points: 28

Re: [Implemented] Resource storage in Speed.

hey something occured to me.why don't we build more storages?however I soon realized this would not work,inactives will not build more storages so they might as well not have anything addition building more storages would get too costly too quickly when used in conjuction with those high level mines.the base storage as it stands needs to be increased and other solutions are not nearly as effective to solving this problem created due to lack of foresight.
Gale points:ummm to far behind to care and too long since I got one to remember

That which is written without effort is usually read without enjoyment.

Re: [Implemented] Resource storage in Speed.

Now there is the problem that with all of the storage buildings that we have to build, too many fields are being taken up. With lack of proper storage, terraformers are going to be in much higher demand. I think minimum storage should at least be 500k, and all storage facilities already purchased should be upgraded to fit this.
Average Person ~ Gale Points: 28

Re: [Implemented] Resource storage in Speed.

The low storage capacity put together with the amount of time it takes to build more storage is just plain insane and ridiculous. I don't want to spend all of my time building storage...and then more storage when that storage is filled the next day. This needs to be changed.

I agree.
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