Re: Player Awards (SEPT 2010)

sorry for my inactivity in the forums, but i feel i should partake in the voting process here


1 warning for trolling.
They may not like me, but they've gotta respect me!

Re: Player Awards (SEPT 2010)

I've edited out your trolling for you. I think it would be nice if people could look to the top players for how to play the game correctly, including how to handle themselves on the forums. Feel free to recast votes if you're going to take it seriously this time.
Forum Moderator: The Chill One ~ Gale Points: 52
The only thing standing between me and immortality is death.

Re: Player Awards (SEPT 2010)

Warning for speaking my mind..I did not use any offensive language or anything that could be classed as a forum violation.. :think:

What happened to freedom of speech? This has become more like a dictatorship if any post is offensive then delete the entire post. Do not edit what I have posted. If any future post is edited without my prior permission then I will delete my forum account.. I do not need a platform for my own game play..I am with drawing any written agreement that allows you to make changes without prior contact..Unless it falls into the obscenity or threatening category..which I would consider to be a forum violation anyway..

This amount of control makes a mockery of the game.. If you can edit my report how do any of us know that any vote can be fair...? Seems to me you can make any account say anything you wish..
a very disappointed Zorg Empire player. :x

Re: Player Awards (SEPT 2010)

And why, exactly, would I want to edit this vote? There is no gain for me, it is simply recognition for players who play well, or are well-liked, etc, and every moderation action is monitored for abuses such as that. As for the editing of your posts, I'm sorry if it's not to your liking. I will admit I am still new to moderating here and still feeling my way, and I did what I thought was best at the moment. However, freedom of speech is subject to the rules of this forum, which include no trolling. I felt there was trolling. I took action. I stand by my action, as I cannot simply back down on a decision because someone calls me out on it. Any complaints about mods or their actions, see here.

Now, this topic is for voting, and it would be wonderful if those who still wish to vote are allowed to.
Forum Moderator: The Chill One ~ Gale Points: 52
The only thing standing between me and immortality is death.