Re: Getting more people involved in the forums ?

KarrothMelu wrote:If you don't care, why are you here? Seriously. All I've seen you do is flame. Why not actually contribute to something instead of annoying everyone who does care.
Flaming is allowed. Maybe I just need a hug :lol: When I speak its flaming, but not flaming when at me :whistle: I actually got alot of mails of lulz of my latest post to post your pics thread, there are those with sense of humors, and those that call it flaming
Last edited by Adama on Thu Sep 02, 2010 3:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Getting more people involved in the forums ?

KarrothMelu wrote:I didn't say it wasn't allowed. I said you're really annoying. And I don't give hugs to annoying people.
If you would like, you have my permission to make a roast thread of me, last one got locked, and also a probe rule lol flame all you want lol Or just get your last word in as I know you like having the last word, go ahead, we all waiting for it:)

Actually, I do. Enjoy your ban. ~Weresloth

Re: Getting more people involved in the forums ?

You can build a ticker in the game, like a scroller about whats new in the forum rather than a long lengthy message. Like highlights of the day. What should be labeled as highlights is a popular question.

@Adama: Being nice is not that hard to practice. Mind it you are not achieving anything being mean or just flaming, pretty soon you would be one of those that ppl learn to ignore. I believe you sure do not want that, cause all that i see is a bit of thirst for attention or may be a hug, here is one Bear Hug for ur big shape. hope i was able to get some sense in that block of head of yours there. << now thats humor and amusing at the same time a bit of flame too :lol:
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.