Re: Adventure III

i am unit 404 but just call me 404. i was the ship navigator before it was distroyed. mmmmmmmmmm i like those samples you got. ill trade you. let me look at those samples and i let you look at the data i collected. seems fair. 8-)

Re: Adventure III

I have seemingly hundreds of questions for this robot, such as "how can I trust this... computer program" or "how did he get into my tightly secured computer" but something about the information I am looking at makes me set those thaughts aside.

I lay my computer upon a flat rock, and set the samples in front of the monitor to let 404 see my samples, as well as the rest of the other biological life in this jungle. I download the information that 404 has onto my portable communication device, only to see-

(Commet, decide what the information is.)
Forum Moderator: The Illiterate One

10 Gale Points FTW

Zorg wrote:Ace is so much sexier than Acewoonder

Re: Adventure III

As you download the data into your computer you see it is thousands of pictures and short video clips. as you watch them flash by you suddenly get a small understanding of life on this planet, you see pictures of many animals, large and small, high definition pictures of mountain rock is shown... but after that, everything is meaningless, symbols appear on the screen, but even with all of your training and knowlege you can't decode them.

Then, suddenly, another picture shows itself... its a picture of a machine of some kind, obvously from one of your ships... finally, after much examination you realize that it the main part of a ship navigator. It appears that the navigator is completely surrounded by orange humaniod figures, pointing some type of gun at the machine....
Leader of Eldrith Pirates

Re: Adventure III

I stand and think for a moment at all of the things I just saw, especially that last bit. After a long pause, I finally reply,
"No. Those symbols make no sense, and no mathmatical sequence takes part in it. It may be a language of some sort. And I don't know what that laster picture shows that these primitive species are doing either. But if I had to guess, I'd say that the orange creatures are wondering what the hell they are looking at. Maybe even trying to decode it."
Forum Moderator: The Illiterate One

10 Gale Points FTW

Zorg wrote:Ace is so much sexier than Acewoonder

Re: Adventure III

(WARNING) many life signs detected. (SCANNING) brain activity Scaned......matched....the orange vermin.....creatures.....are coming.(need to reset personality software :? )...ummm.........i didnt say that. lets get out of here! :whistle:

Re: Adventure III

"Easy for you to say, you don't have to worry about this stuff..." I mumbled, throwing aside anything that wasn't worth carrying. Picking up the laptop, stuffing it into my bag, and running out of the jungle once more, dry land turning to marsh.
"Think you could turn your voice-whatever thingy into my comunicator? I can't really hear you from inside my bag." I then take out my stun-gun, ready to face whatever might catch up with me...
Forum Moderator: The Illiterate One

10 Gale Points FTW

Zorg wrote:Ace is so much sexier than Acewoonder

Re: Adventure III

done....wait somthing is wrong....(WARNING) 3 Battle ships are going to brake right above us. the force to stop 100x the speed of light to 0 mph will causs an exsplosion. we need to go. now! (ALERT) we have ten minutes. that mountian is not thier creation. it was built thier some 10000 earth years ago. this species technology is about as good as the technology humans had in the 1950s. the computer i saw was a flat Plasma screen of some sorts. to advanced for them. the humanoids made computers in the 1895s because of this moutain. they have computers that are comparable to human computers in the 2045. but everything else is still around the 1950s. im ready for anything lets go. ill hack some of thier combat suits so they will think that the guy next to them is the bad guy. lets do this!

Re: Adventure III

Running through the thick of these trees, them seeming to loose their interest with each passing second, something hard hit me in the lower part of my leg, or better yet, I hit it. Stumbling a breif moment before catching myself, I turn to see what it was. "What the... Is that..."
"A motor vehicle, by the looks of it. And a most advanced model, as well" 404 replied. (sorry for making you say something, but I'm going to bed and wanted to make this quick.)
So, by first instinct, I jump on and start it up. I pilot it to the best of my abilities, navigating through the trees untill finally coming to the clear. I stop, not knowing where we have ended up.
"My gps maps end here. From here on out this is a new territory that none of our people has been to. Which way shall we go?"
Forum Moderator: The Illiterate One

10 Gale Points FTW

Zorg wrote:Ace is so much sexier than Acewoonder