Re: it is what it is

snave0110 wrote:Gozar and myrsee popped my moons, countless probed from the Dj, PK, Bobrox and others. So what ? Nothing wrong with that. if you don't want all of it stop playing Zorg, go play Caffee World where the atmosphere are nice and safe. In here who have the power they rules,

And due to a nice move, I was left scratching my head! I did the same thing as I was coming up, and the same can be said for everyone else.
[Showing no mercy!

Re: it is what it is

myrsee wrote:
snave0110 wrote:Gozar and myrsee popped my moons, countless probed from the Dj, PK, Bobrox and others. So what ? Nothing wrong with that. if you don't want all of it stop playing Zorg, go play Caffee World where the atmosphere are nice and safe. In here who have the power they rules,

And due to a nice move, I was left scratching my head! I did the same thing as I was coming up, and the same can be said for everyone else.
I learned it from all of you the big players who share the information in this forum.
Thumbs up for you, myrsee, cause now I can't operate down there :D

Re: it is what it is

No one ever said it would be easy to compete in this game, no one ever said it would be fair. If you play smart and play for a longggggggg time :whistle: you may actually get somewhere in this game. Now im not saying that anyone could make it far in this game alone, but if you guys take the example of VVV and their teamwork and get some really commited players you may just make it to number 1. It may take some guts and luck, but its worth the risk if you really actually care about this game.

To all the noobs that have complained and ranted at VVV, i can probably guess most of ya'll are either turtle's or some people under a 1/4 of a million that have build a couple hundred BS and believe that it's safe behind a few thousand LL. Am i right? :think:

All i can say is bravo for gummpy stickin up for VVV, but the truth is he really shouldn't have "had" to post this thread.

This is not the game of life, board games have become obsolete.

Re: it is what it is

Gamepro41 wrote: ....

(...) the truth is he really shouldn't have "had" to post this thread.
Case and point

This is one of the rare threads in these forums that is completely redundant (for the people who take things to literal: I'm being cynical here)

And for all my fans out there.. I'm back ^.^