Re: Debris fields to be added to raid scores

FarmerJoe wrote:+1 for the idea...
But I have a question for you, Sprog:
- Who's gonna get the "DF" added to raiding? The attacker(s) or the harvester(s), cauze we all know, that the attacker and the harvester can be different players.

Currently, you can get:
- in top attackers by being hit (not ninja, simply killing fodders);
- in top attackers with d/bash;

But, if you're playing as fleet hunter, you get only, if you're lucky, an attacking ribbon/ medal...
The person who collects the d/f would have it added to raid count....most fleeters send recs ahead of attacks where possible.... ;)

Re: Debris fields to be added to raid scores

Sprog wrote:
FarmerJoe wrote:+1 for the idea...
But I have a question for you, Sprog:
- Who's gonna get the "DF" added to raiding? The attacker(s) or the harvester(s), cauze we all know, that the attacker and the harvester can be different players.

Currently, you can get:
- in top attackers by being hit (not ninja, simply killing fodders);
- in top attackers with d/bash;

But, if you're playing as fleet hunter, you get only, if you're lucky, an attacking ribbon/ medal...
The person who collects the d/f would have it added to raid count....most fleeters send recs ahead of attacks where possible.... ;)
so it's a hard +1 from me
Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.
- Marcus Tullius Cicero

Re: Debris fields to be added to raid scores

Zorg wrote:So you want to combine weekly DF gathering into the Raiders of the Week statistic? (Just making sure I got it right).

so Btw, wasn't there another topic where we have agreed on adding 4 new weekly statistics - DF collected among them? )
I think there was. It would be one of many where a consensus was reached, a time line was given.... and then nothing.

Perhaps the mods could begin tagging the threads? I suggest [ADD] this way it will be easier to identify the victims of the dev team's attention deficit disorder