Re: Dacia VS AZG

Grig4099 wrote:I've tried to explain to my colegues the TD mess. I hope that from now on will not be any more problems with adding the TD. At least I shall try to post my colegues atacks and TD counting.

The main problem with TD is the fact that is not offering a clear image of the real demages produces to other player or aliance. Sometimes the same defense is just reported several times us beeing destroyed and is added over and over again to the damages and despite the fact that an atacker has less loses in reality he lost much more compared with the target (nobody count the deuteryum consumption for a big fleet movement). Also nobody cout the IPM's or the real destruction produced by IPM's

I think that will be more interesting if we will post only the real damages produced to the fleets in terms of big ships: Cruisers, Batleships, Bombers, Destroyers, DS's.

Of course this will be another problem to follow complete the reports and start to make another calculations.
Well, the same disadvantages and errors were present during ~V~ and AZG. No telling how much of each side was nothing but cheap defense.

Trying to calculate deuterium consumption on ALL fleet activities, calculating the actual losses from Defense, and adding up losses for each individual ship would make it more of a math challenge than an actual war.

What I'm wondering is why people are posting the defense-less farming runs?

Re: Dacia VS AZG

Ive been posting the defenceless runs just to show Im actively participating in the war, theres very few Dacian planets near me that have any defences. I work with what Im given.
But Ive given up posting them, it got to the point where I just felt dumb.
When I *finally* find a dacian planet worth posting I will.
Although I see grig4099 is back, and he has some nice planets nearby...
I can just hear my silos cycling now ;)

Re: Dacia VS AZG

Dear RogueSpear

I hate to let you and your colegues unsatisfied but unfortunately I'm obliged to go in a very unexpected business trip, in a real dangerous area of the world, so I shall go once again in V-mode.
Hope to return safe from my trip so to be able to be a real fighting partner for you.

Re: Dacia VS AZG

I hope you do too mate, Good Luck Have Fun

Re: Dacia VS AZG

I'm pretty sure that Dacia either has to surrender now...or get crushed a little later...if their leaders are smart; then they'd know when to quit.
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Dacia VS AZG

It um...wasn't a joke?...I backed my members out of battles with an alliance because I knew they were too much for us to handle. Leaders are supposed to make the wisest decisions that are for the GOOD of the alliance; not sentencing them to death...
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Dacia VS AZG

I think the hardest part for leaders is knowing when to throw in the towel. But those that figure that out are normally the best.

War is a good way to find out who actually listens to their members.

Re: Dacia VS AZG

Urweirdsaysi wrote:I think the hardest part for leaders is knowing when to throw in the towel. But those that figure that out are normally the best.

War is a good way to find out who actually listens to their members.
And those who don't listen shouldn't have the right to call themselves leaders. Fools is likely the more reasonable term.
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Dacia VS AZG

Gale wrote:
Urweirdsaysi wrote:I think the hardest part for leaders is knowing when to throw in the towel. But those that figure that out are normally the best.

War is a good way to find out who actually listens to their members.
And those who don't listen shouldn't have the right to call themselves leaders. Fools is likely the more reasonable term.
Well said :)