Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

Wtf! Yuna's got Contruga all angry now... Better get ready girl...wrong fleeter to p.iss off lmao!!
I'm so enjoying this right now....And all of this because HC fleetsaves and some of us turned our mines off. So they turned to def bashing and even push through when the target messages them. Quite the fleeters , my hat off to you AoD..NOT!!!! I wonder who you guys will attack now , hey Logged i have a planet next to yours..about 25 k res,maybe you should get them ;) Since you're trying to explain to us why it's justified that you guys are attacking for even a lousy 10 k deut har har har !! Sorry, got something in my throat :mrgreen:

EDIT: Holy cow!!! Jackal pwns Weled good and next thing we know Weleds out of AoD. Now i have a go at Churchill as does Contruga and Churchills also gone??? :roll:
Looged (yes Looged!!!) , this is so childish and demeaning ,even for AoD . You have one of the biggest fleets in M and you act as if you're the only one in AoD who's ready to play with HC.... Very demeaning towards your mates... Who's next to be kicked? Rescue? Prof O? JOK? Man oh man what a twisted turn of events... If i was the HC leader , i would call of this war, it's no war, it's a fooking soap opera and you're like the clownish little guy from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air :lol:
Last edited by MrSinister on Sun Mar 04, 2012 7:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Walk with THA swagger!

Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

My congratz Sinister for the first time you haven;t offended me ...and i haven;t kicked him he left the alliance until the war is over because he isn;t ready for the war he have a family to take care....i understand the man ...
ING Names : logged

Feed me more!
Feed me more!
Feed me more!

Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

Jackal has a family, i have a baby boy.....No excuse at all..I get on when i have the chance and all chores are done, as do a lot of other players around me...So no that's no excuse at all imo...I'm tired of this flame war and worthless def bashing....
Walk with THA swagger!

Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

Ok, you def bash from start and kick out members who take lots of damage. First WeleD and now Churchill. Why would we believe your explanation? If we go on for some more time, will you be the only one in your alliance besides people in vacation mode? One more from your side also entered vacation after war start but now one returned from it.

This is really something.

Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

------------END WAR--------------
I wish to finish this as it got misunderstood, we hit for the hits we begun with, you assumed defence bashing, there were many insults, then defence bashes, now HC are about to bash back, the war has become to personal to be enjoyable and isnt a test of skill as i was hoping to see, but just a pathetic, petty fight.

I personally have no wish to continue with it.
However i know HC wont let me surrender as they'd be happy to continue, however i would like to propose to Yuna as leader of AoD that we end the war because the game has turned personal and is no longer a place i care to come to just to try and play a fair game.

I offer an end of war, no winner no loser, HC just want to test skills fairly with alliance on the server, however things got out of hand.