Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Thanks Istalris, that was really the point I was trying to make.
You could be right in that, we may not be able to take them even when ACS attack comes out, but it would even out the odds.

Squirrel, I call it bullying that you pick on the weak, not the strong. I wasnt meaning to imply that you would do such a thing in RL, my metaphor was that in RL, that would be what would be said. My apologies for the confusion, and for the insinuation.

Crippler, your points are sound. V are taking the advantage, yes. But they are not doing anything significant on a war footing, merely continuing the petty raids they have been pulling throughout the game. My point is that V is going on like they've just pulled off Operation Market Garden, except it worked. They have not. There actions have been precious little different to their previous methods. Ergo, they should not be blowing their 'achievements' out of proportion.
On the unity front, youd be amazed at how much unity there is, the difference is is that V has 8 members of roughly the same abilities, who can thus support each other, whereas AZG has members whose abilities vary wildy. As an example, Defiant has a large fleet. I have 1 RIP and 30 BS. This shows a massive difference in our abilities. However, since Swerg devasted my fleet a week or so back, Ive done alot of mine upgrading and defences, so Im more protected and producing more resources than other members. Different abilities again.

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Hmm.... well to start off with we currently have 6 members but we could surprise you here soon. As far as the war is going we will continue to make hits on AZG whether they be big or small they all count. I have to admit its hard to find any AZG fleets at the moment but it might be because your alliance has finally learned how to FS properly and it took this war to teach them that. As far as you guys being a threat to us when ACS attack is enabled ( still waiting for that one) just remember it works both ways. Can you imagine the defences we will be able to smash when we combine 2,3,4,5 or even all of our fleets to hit one target? I imagine its going to get messy, so continue to build your defences thats fine, we can wait this thing out just as long as you can.
Only the dead have seen the end of war. ~Plato

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

RogueSpearofTRA, it is an open forum and you are free to speak your mind.

From my point of view, you are stumbling in your attempt to make a point and are coming off badly. You are representing your entire alliance here and in my opinion, not well. Perhaps, you should leave your point to those more eloquent and diplomatic. Defiant is one. There are others. I don't necessarily want to draw undo attention to them, but there are those I have engaged in conversation who are extremely eloquent and diplomatic.

Insulting V and suggesting that they are bullies and worse does nothing to further your cause. Do you pursue players with better fleets for profit? That would be foolish. The strong pick on the weaker, that is the way of the world. It is also the way of Zorg Empire.

I would recommend you be very mindful when you speak on behalf of the many members of your alliance, making sure that you are representing them well.

"You are in a position to demand nothing. I however, am in a position to grant nothing."

Khan Noonian Singh

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

I dont doubt that AZG has members with multiple abilities. I just advise that, just as AZG has put out a warning to V about Underestimating your alliance, I feel that that is two fold, and that AZG should not assume V is only an alliance of fleeters, or one dimensional. Like i mentioned, V has done alot of damage to AZG fleets/defences and have nabbed the DF and stolen resources, and im sure the Res is not all invested to Fleets, im sure based on their Alliance points, they use a fair share towards Research, Buildings, and Defenses as well.

I dont want to speak on V's behalf since im not even in that alliance, but i just observe how they have been pretty much handling other alliances in the game and see that they know what their doing, and continually show Quality over Quantity.

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Khan, I dont believe Ive openly insulted V. Nor, as I said, had you read the last post, that I was calling V bullies. I was using a comparitive metaphor. It is true you dont hit a better fleet for profit, however V is fighting a war. In a war you do your utmost best to destroy the enemy forces that are capable of damaging you the most. V is not doing that and continuing their same old raids. This is all my point was.
At LoW, your point is well made, it is one that I had not considered in quite that much magnitude (All of V at once :shock:) but not one Id missed. My point was simply that certain V players were talking long and loud about how weak we were and how great they were, and that the sole reason they can realistically say this is because we cannot yet mass our forces. Imagine if ACS attack was out when this war began. As stated earlier in this thread, the remaining AZG fleets may not be able to take V. Having not read many of the CRs, I hadnt realised how badly off we were, although, as I have said, that our stronger players remain immune to V. However, our fleet points were significantly higher than that of V. I honestly think had ACS attack been in operation, not only would this war be very different (AZG fighting back more for one) but that AZG would also be winning.
On the fleetsaving bit, Def and Mal both launched a big campaign to teach people to FS properly (Just after I lost mine, alas) and people were beginning to FS efficiently, and undetectably. The war broke out before it was a well reinforced habit for many, and in that way only, is this war responsible for the now sterling efforts of AZG players to fleetsave, by suddenly providing extra encouragement to clean up our acts on this.

Crippler, AZG is one of the alliances that least needs to be warned about V. Its kind of hard to avoid overestimating a greatly more powerful foe when said foe is currently trying to kick your head in. We have no illusions that as things stand at the moment that we can resoundingly defeat V without a great deal of luck (Such as the admin suddenly donating us 100 RIPs each...for every planet...with a multiplier bonus for amount of total raids...and etc.) Or even deal a crippling blow to a single player. We continually tell V not to underestimate us because of the deluge of trash talk they lay our way. Your concerns are noted, by myself at least.

Khan, I am not a thoroughly diplomatic speaker, and am most definitely NOT eloquent. If it is seen as a problem for me to voice my opinion, by AZG, I will quietly bow out after an apology. So far however, there have been no complaints. It is my thought certain V members needed to be told to cool off. Its a commonly held opinion. Maybe this did it, maybe it didnt. Maybe Def could do it better. But this is my opinion, my words, etc. It is representative of myself. I have endeavoured not to make global sweeping statements. Consider if you will the statements I have made compared to certain V posts. Contrast. Who has presented a higher ground? Personally i think myself, but Ill leave public opinion to decide, ignoring V and AZG commentry on the matter to avoid a biase. But that is not the topic at hand.
On a final note, this is primarily a thread for the V-AZG war. If you(general) are not directly involved, perhaps you shouldnt post, or post on topic rather than critiquing other posters.

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG


This is a public forum. As such it is open to public commentary. I guess it is only open to other opinions when it suits you.
RogueSpearofTRA wrote: V, I say to you, grow up. Stop mouthing off. It bores me. It is not of consequence, and it is undeserved. If you take out mintaka, you can say look how great we are! If you do damage to Def or Malph, you can say Ha! We finally did something useful! Or w.e your little want to say to inflate your egos some more. But when your picking on players a 10th of your strength, sit down and be quiet, you have done nothing deserving of glory. In RL, you would be the bullies who dont have the balls to take on the kids older brother, even though your bigger than him, but tell everyone you're so hard because you punched a ten year old.

V, I fail to be impressed. AZG fails to be impressed. As evidenced, even Istalris and the rest of the Zorg community fails to be impressed. Istalris I name you purely because you were supportive of V at the start of this thread, and later pointed out their BS in the forums, I hope you dont mind. The people who support you in this V support you not for you, not for your petty insults and selfaggrandizing posts, not for the little pieces of damage that your doing to weak AZG members, but because they dont like us, or just because they dont like the #1 alliance just for being."
RogueSpearofTRA wrote:
Khan, I dont believe Ive openly insulted V.

But this is my opinion, my words, etc. It is representative of myself. I have endeavoured not to make global sweeping statements.
Your own words betray you. One minute you insult them, then you suggest you have not. One minute you speak of AZG as a whole, the next you say you are not.

Unfortunately for you, you can not have it both ways.

And yes, my opinion of AZG drops with every word of yours that I read. I will exit this discussion as it has become meaningless to me. I also suspect that Defiant and others have not told you to cease because they have not read your posts yet.

"You are in a position to demand nothing. I however, am in a position to grant nothing."

Khan Noonian Singh

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Rogue, I sincerely believe you are throwing comparative metaphors like crackers – common mistake when one misjudge highly intelligent players for bullies just cause these players are here to have fun. Well, I may disappoint you but continuous highly scored raids only happen in B movies – this game offers more balancing and the constant bang you demand and hope to see does not do you any merit. There is more substance behind power than just a bang that you require.

I hate to break it to you but pointing out you are insignificant player – what exactly you are hoping to convey here? For sure I do hope your faction tolerates your outburst of mental slash verbal gymnastic. I know I’m not impressed by it.

Politics is a powerful weapon but if used improperly, for sure it will do much more harm than you could have anticipated - just a friendly advice – please do advise about practicing politics in public with the leader of your alliance first. At least we deserve to know who you are and why you are making us believe you are speaking in the name of this particular alliance.

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Khan wrote: I also suspect that Defiant and others have not told you to cease because they have not read your posts yet.

We have now, or at least I have. :x
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Re: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Rogue, you may have a point. Maybe we do come off arrogant but this is a war game, not a popularity contest. To be honest, I could not care less who likes me and who doesnt. My online persona is not a representation of who I am. Yea we may get carried away in the heat of the moment at times, we may say things that others dislike but we dont disrespect people unless they have done so to us.

Before the war AZG had been growing as an alliance but not in skill, if it takes a war to bring you together and teach you vital skills like fleetsaving, isnt it a good thing? We may seem arrogant but most of us have played similar games for years and in the other games competition was alot stronger. This is a new game and people really havent learned alot bar a few, no matter what advice we give on the forums and in pms. If we pick out 1 alliance and force them to learn, they will teach others and the overall skill level will increase.

We dont prey on smaller players, ask Defiant or Malphage if Ive taken pops at them. I respect Defiant as a good player, he knows how to keep a fleet as does Malphage. Most top players are there because they do the right things to keep their fleets safe and avoid being hit which makes it harder for us to catch them. We probe everyone of every rank but we only hit when we see there is profit to be made. People arent going to like us for this but as a fleeter in a fleeting alliance, its going to happen.

As far as ACS goes, dont underestimate us we may talk a hard game but 9 times out of 10 we will back it up.