Re: DoctorWho (HC) vs logged (-A-)

:shock: So much passive aggressiveness lol.

Everyone makes mistakes. Hell logged crashed 80% of my fleet on my birthday when i went to use the bathroom and get some birthday cake. FIVE Minutes.

I can't blame the guy for that as it was too good a hit to pass up.

But sooner or later you will go to shower, use the bathroom, fall asleep, etc. Expect to be hit. It's a war game. No one is 100% safe. Though you get a few people who are about 99% safe...

Yeah Logged you used to be angel of deaths leader I thought...but now your in -A-. I can't blame you since they seem to have a gotten hotels on boardwalk so to speak atm.

But if Dr is willing to sarcrifice the rips for a chance to weaken a strong player, then that shows a hell of a lot of guts. I don't really consider it cowardly as we all know your fully capable of a ninja...

Anyway as logged said, its not really going to slow him down in the long run. So everyone lets try to show good sportsmenship, and cuss like sailors BEHIND our screens :dance:

Re: DoctorWho (HC) vs logged (-A-)

Like Rose said, sportmanship is the key. And saying that Doc is a coward is like saying you yourself is a coward:P
I distinctly remember you bragging about sending suicide rips to decimate fleets at minimum loss , while the enemy loses 60-80 % of his fleet. Now you're under attack through the same strategy and behold, it is cowardice !!!!
Again i say:Well done Doc, let him talk the talk but show Logged who walks the walk..... :twisted:
Walk with THA swagger!

Re: DoctorWho (HC) vs logged (-A-)

Sinister i didn;t say about the attack details i said about his v-mode right before i was after him he entered v-mode and now exit and back stab like a coward ...i know that strategy i used before you all even know with what eats this game :-j.....about the talk we will see in the future that didn;t brake me how you expected to do ...and even if i had loose all my recs :-j...i don.t care in less than 3 days would be rebuild it anyway :-j..that was a lesson for me to do not ever again fall asleep at the pc and fleet save always ....NO MERCY FROM NOW ONE...
ING Names : logged

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Re: DoctorWho (HC) vs logged (-A-)

:shock: Wait when did Logged HAVE mercy? Lol, I expect to get my booty handed to me now and then but I don't remember much mercy displayed towards me or various other players. Well I raid, so its only fair that expect others to try to hit me.

If you have used this strategy yourself I don't know why your against it atm.

Doesn't really matter whether we consider the hit honorable, cowardly, or standard procedure. The fact is the hit landed. Logged says it isn't really going to cripple him. It will backtrack him for a few days and the resources that go to rebuild his recyclers will be diverted from whatever else he would have spent them on.

So Logged is hardly down for the count. He just needs a breather.

Re: DoctorWho (HC) vs logged (-A-)

i didn;t say the strategy of attacking with rips to decimate the rest of the small ships is cowardly because i used too it is a war game...i said about the move doc did entering in v-mode when i was close to crush him and exit now...but he will have no escape how i will be recovered from the losses build a stronger fleet doc will you? that way it will be more huge and about sinister who helped him will have a moment of inactive boy and you will forgot to fleet save then you will have 2 options to quit the game or to revenge on me like a newb and send suicide missions with rips on my planets lol :lol: :lol: :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo: :wall: :wall:
ING Names : logged

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Re: DoctorWho (HC) vs logged (-A-)

:lol: Now Logged as impressive as your fleet size (insert your own adult joke here) is, it's not the size its how you use it. Your VERY impressive fleet, that I completely envy, wont' do much good if Sinister or DrWho always fleet save, move their fleet before you can hit, or use jumpgates.

I'm pretty neutral here. I have no delusions that at their present condition Sinister or Drwho would be able to demolish your entire fleet. But that may not always be the case. Eventually, everyone's real life does cut into their game time. People can use that to their advantage. I"m also a big fan of the under dog.

When your at the top, there are only two courses of action. Stay at the top or slide down. Sinister and DrWho are not at the top but they are getting to a point where they can go through a growth spurt.

Never underestimate a starving might be the last thing your fleet does.

Everyone has different strategies and no strategy is better then the other. :lol:

Re: DoctorWho (HC) vs logged (-A-)

going to start by saying,
5. Harassments
Harassment to other players is strictly forbidden. This includes the use of offensive or sexually explicit language in messages,
as i saw the pm you sent DR who :boohoo:
you may want to mind your language slightly.

as such no GLoTR, cleary not deserved.

Great work Doc, in V for RL (hardly cowardly) wondered why you didnt come out of Vas you came online, awesome that you were figuring out your targets as it's come with a very nice D/f
And dont worry about logged, he can run his mouth but from the launches he had on me today (only one of which i was on for the esp-attack lol) i found his aim to be abit lacking so im sure you're not under much risk of losing your fleet :dance: