Re: CrushedIce vs -Death- 732.160.200 ninja

well a must say one thing dubberman about yours alliance;
Kill all noobs within range of all your planets. Attack them within game rules till they quit game

NAP & Ally

Player kill Count:
we bro big glotr on this puting in alalince page .first and all you should tech noobs about how to play this game and not to force them quit .and if the quit zorg lose money if the buy ruby.
am playing this game long time and there was not even single allaince ho punish player to become unplayable game.
and one thing about one sec espionage report well mate he has jumpgate on moon and he can jump one sec before hit or send fleet to arrive one sec before hit.- so no cheating at all.
and one more thing yours allaince members dont like when the get beaten the think the can attack weak one and take them fleet ,but when somone beat you strong player weak only by place in ranking you call it cheater because he beat you and set up njinja.
speed is graveyard how many players play it more players has in standard and massacre then speed.

in this game there will be always one better then you not in points of fleet but in skills.
you and crushed ice remembrance of old me when a was treatenig around and calling everybody cheater beacause a dint like that somone destroy my fleet.
my advice is grow up and dont be cry baby when somone took yours fleet instead.
in zorg there are many great players ho wanna help so just ask them mayb the will maybe the will not it all depends.

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Re: CrushedIce vs -Death- 732.160.200 ninja

Pein, yes we want to kill all other players and kill this server. And the reason for that are game admins. First of all the expedition thing. It was balancing the game. I was doing 300M a day as average. Suddenly it has stopped , and look what a stop they did. Without informing us, they did the change , I've lost 11 EC because they notified 4 hours after changes ! They didn't give me what I lost .

We the players have voted 5 days ago to return that expedition thing as it was before cuz it is balancing the game . We could build fleet , it was a matter of time before we could compete again in this server. That killed the server. We had 3 choices , kill the server with killing all players, do a V-mode (delete account) or turtle and disgust this server with turtle shell. So we went for killing the server , the server who has killed balance by changing the expedition thing for the sake of some players .

And btw , it's a matter of time before they delete my post here or close the topic , cuz this is what admins know to do , instead of balancing the game and giving new chance for the server to relive .

Re: CrushedIce vs -Death- 732.160.200 ninja

you can call it what you want to help you sleep at night but fact of the matter is and was you were exploiting what 1 ship could do in expiditions that the rest couldn't.

yeah it is a son of a b!tch to have to actually go out and work for resources like many others including myself have to do.

and yeah it is time to lock it up sloth..there is already a section in discussion where this he said she said arguement is going down at