Re: TOP 15 ALLIANCES (02.08.2011)


The Arcane Armada
been gone for to long so don't know much about them.

would be nice to see some great fleets start building from them again.

Eterna-ZEFA Treaty
wait till the cold months come and i'm sure their while be some heavy activity as long as people start building fleet instead of more turtles XD

Angels of Death
was my 2nd alliance after decia, was a good social alliance, but not to active with circulars.

Black Rebellion
they just keep loosing there good players and its starting to show.

i'll war against them and i'll war with them XD
they lost a few of there best but i'm sure defiant while train some more

Return of the Greats
they are so great you'll never know how great they are, because they are also great at hiding the greatness.

and spy just because fish pointed out ZEFA is mostly in V-mode don't mean its a flame when it is true, yes fleeters due try to hide their fleet most of the time. and yes points drop from the V-mode's... get over it... and as for fish... while thanks spy for flaming him...

how i'm still around.... no one knows...

Re: TOP 15 ALLIANCES (02.08.2011)

1 Apocalypse 5 92.421.833 18.484.366

nothing to say, great allainces-a respect gozar and others great players the teached me alot

2 RAWK 12 47.987.428 3.998.952

when rawk was created and there was only one member he become my regular farm lol
but good to have them back lol.-Marauder player was my farm sometimes

3 The Arcane Armada 49 44.357.625 905.257

my allaince nothing to see there will be ships destroyed and moons poped but everytime we lose or win we learn sommething.

4 Angels of Death 22 31.972.641 1.453.301
huge defenses but good farms lol

5 Eterna-ZEFA Treaty 22 30.392.078 1.381.458

nothing to see much all members are in v mode

6 Black Rebellion 13 24.491.919 1.883.993

4 active members with good fleets thats all
7 Azguard 28 15.369.803 548.921

After Defiant has returned, Azg become sommething but still good farms
8 Valiance 15 6.632.489 442.165

very good farms a must say

9 Return of the Greats 8 5.136.739 642.092
ho ?

10 DeathSquad 3 4.213.103 1.404.367

ho ?

11 Elite Soldiers United 9 4.018.361 446.484

need war to promote self as allaince

12 The BORG 15 3.448.077 229.871

when a declared war to them a esxpected to be good fight but turn out only leader is fighting everybody else just build fleets on planets to somebode take them- best farm ever
Last edited by Pein on Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: TOP 15 ALLIANCES (02.08.2011)

Weresloth wrote:I actually don't see much real flaming going on here.
Really Weresloth I respect you. But if you don't see the bashing in this I don't know what is. I think its funny because i simply made a post saying i was too lazy too look for gozar and fishes planet and it gets band. But yet they can bash not only myslef and other alliances and no one see's any real flaming? What do you think is worse me stating i'm too lazy if anyone can send me the list of planets in a private message. Or what fish has wrote here.

Re: TOP 15 ALLIANCES (02.08.2011)

When exactly did I dispute that you had attacked me Torgard? I am aware of the mistake I made there and you are also aware why that happened. The difference is is that actually happened, and my post was defending myself from potential malitious lies that Pein had put.

Pein if you got confused then never mind but im sure you can understand me wanting to put that straight.

Re: TOP 15 ALLIANCES (02.08.2011)

Matt21, nearly-mod bait much?

And the next person to post something not relevant to what this was made for gets a warning. Stick to the topic.
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