Re: Standard ACS

Cazzo wrote:this will never work and you all know.

there should have been the in game vote, we have been promised. that was a real bad move...

so, dont buy any rubies anymore, they will feel this a lot more than our complaining on this forum. why waste your money. all new players will join Xtreme in future cause of ACS attack. standard will get even more boring from now on.
That's right we need to rise up against "the Man" those of the standard server can no longer permit this tyranny. :wall:

I know from personal experience that Zorg and the administrators pay attention to the forums but they do not respond well to being pushed around by a small amount of players. If you want things to change take the time to state it would benefit the game if your idea were implemented. If you do so in a civil and mature manor you will be herd. If the admins and Zorg after considering your argument decide that it is not something they want for the game then it is time to let your idea go. There are several ideas that I have suggested but have not been accepted. I enjoy the game without those changes and so I continue to play despite the "flaws" I see in the game. I hope that those individuals that are being belligerent will be able to be mature enough to accept standard universe as the owners of the game see fit and decide to enjoy the game.
Those with nothing to loose have the most to gain. Long live the Miner!

Re: Standard ACS

pro for acs attacks on standard. i just learned about a week ago that its not doable ,and , cant help but to wonder why the **** not?? basically corners ppl into joining speed or xtreme, which i have no desire to join ..

Re: Standard ACS

Has been turned down before, there are even announcements for the same issue.

Bringing the matter up again will be considered spamming.