Re: Spartans

ok people who wants to be in the chair of the clansman the good chiar not the bad one
well guys we allow anyone and everyone to join just contact me of Spartan117
They are taking the land that belongs to the Clan
For I know what i want, And the time is right, For i will take what is mine

Re: Spartans

have u chnaged ur allaince to allies with us??
I pledge my Allegiance to 501st!! WHEN I AM CALLED TO SERVE, I WILL COME. I will protect my Allies with the best of my abilities and power!! I will never abandon my Allies i will FIGHT to the end!! I AM ROYALGUARD

Re: Spartans

yes you are our ally
They are taking the land that belongs to the Clan
For I know what i want, And the time is right, For i will take what is mine

Re: Spartans

We lost a member but the power of numbers is only useful in certain situations.
5 Non-Aggresion Pacts
1 War (piece of cake or should I say pie :lol: )
2 Members


Re: Spartans

Please be advised that NAP and allies are two different contracts. If you consider to change your NAP to alliance allies, you must renew your contract. Allies are a much stronger contract with much more obligations to be involved.

@RoyalGuard: please refer the current contract you have so that the alliance ally agreement be evaluated.
@Clansman: you cannot declare a NAP to an allies contract just by declaring, r u sure that the terms are accepted according to both parties agreement? The 501st Cadets are training clan, which is highly influenced by Primes.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Spartans

yes we know
They are taking the land that belongs to the Clan
For I know what i want, And the time is right, For i will take what is mine