Re: Who's your mentor, or Apprentice?

Oh my...

I don't even know. I learned from so many people...I think I got pointers from as many people as I could (Still do) but I learned the majority of it on my own through trial and error and just toying around with different things. I learned most of the tactics on my own, though quite a few I picked up from others.

Its hard to tell...I never really went to a specific person for advice...

Re: Who's your mentor, or Apprentice?

I learnt everything I know from Zookon! I played for a while but stayed a newbie for about a month or 2 :D. he joined and i joined up straight away! He taught me everything from how to fleet save to giving me a sim! He is one hell of a leader and i owe where i am now to him :D
The day has arrived where death is just another one of those thrills!

Re: Who's your mentor, or Apprentice?

I pretty much learned on my own - but after I knew the basics, Witchywoman, Weresloth, and Defiant helped me out a ton as my alliance grew.

If I were to say someone was my apprentice, it would probably be the player "Hell-Fox". I'm really putting pressure on him as a leader in Azure Wings because I know he can do it. Plus, he likes the challenge ;).
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